This application enables the users to receiver coins on the Bitsong Testnet. It can be called through simple HTTP GET requests, whose single query parameter is the address of the wallet who wants to receive the coins.
It is empowered by an anti-bruteforce attack system and a jobs queue built on Redis.
It is also possible to see a documentation for the available APIs at /api
Server: NestJS, Node.js, Redis and Swagger
Benchmark: Python
To run this project you need to create a .env
file. You can copy the example file by typing:
cp .env.example .env
Then, you should edit the variables. Their explaination follows:
Faucet mnemonic used for transaction signing
Faucet address used for transaction
Address prefix used for receiver address validation
Link to Bitsong RPC API
Node port used by server instance
The maximum number of items in the queue
The maximum duration of a queued job
The maximum duration of each throttle
The number of times an endpoint can be called from the same ip address in a TTL
Redis server hostname
Redis server port
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd bitsong-faucet
Install dependencies
pnpm i
Or you can use:
npm i
Start docker container (Redis):
docker-compose up -d
Start the server on dev mode:
pnpm start:dev
Start the server on debug mode:
pnpm start:debug
Start the server on prod mode:
pnpm start:prod
Moreover if you want to start docker service and Node.js server on debug mode, you can use:
Build the server for production:
pnpm build
Create a virtual enviroment on python:
python3 -m venv benchmark/env
Active the virtual enviroment:
source benchmark/env/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
pip3 install -r benchmark/requirements.txt
Run the benchmark:
python3 benchmark/
Angelo Recca
@angelorc -
Giorgio Nocera
@Giorgionocera -
Davide Segullo
For support, email [email protected] or join our Discord.
Copyright © 2022 BitSong.
This project is licensed by MIT License.