Creates development environment based on Ubuntu 14.04 to build Bitshares Toolkit using Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Install VirtualBox, see for details.
Install Vagrant, see for details.
Define VAGRANT_KEY_PATH env variable - this is a path to your private key that you would use to connect your instance via ssh: e.g. :
$ export VAGRANT_KEY_PATH="~/.ssh/vagrant_key.pem"
Clone this project and run vagrant:
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant_bitshares_toolkit
$ vagrant up
Connect to vagrant VM:
$ vagrant ssh
Find the source code in ~/bitshares/bitshares_toolkit dir and binaries in ~/bitshares/linux_build
If you want it to use your host machine's development directory instead of creating a new one on guest, just define BITSHARES_DEV_DIR environment variable before creating VM, e.g.
$ export BITSHARES_DEV_DIR=/Users/user/bitshares_dev
Install vagrant-digitalocean plugin:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-digitalocean
On Mac you may need to install a CA bundle to enable SSL communication with the Digital Ocean API:
$ brew install curl-ca-bundle
$ export SSL_CERT_FILE=/usr/local/opt/curl-ca-bundle/share/ca-bundle.crt
Then define two environement variables with Digital Ocean's client id and API key:
$ export DIGITALOCEAN_CLIENT_ID="xxxxxxx"
$ export DIGITALOCEAN_API_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxx"
Now you can fire up a Digital Ocean isntance:
$ vagrant up --provider digital_ocean
Install aws plugin and dummy box (vagrant needs a box to be specified, so dummy box is used):
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
$ vagrant box add dummy
Login to AWS console and create security group 'bitsharesxt' and allow SSH access. Define two env variables with your AWS security credentials:
$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY="xxxxxxxxxx"
$ export AWS_SECRET_KEY="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Start your instance:
$ vagrant up --provider=aws