- Setup a new Project just right clicking on the "project" folder and select "New Note"
- You will be prompted for a Title
- should more than two words, separeted by spaces and without any special character
- Setup a new Reference Note just right clicking on the "reference" folder and select "New Note"
- You will be prompted for a Title
- You will be asked for a medium type where the content comes from
- Setup a new Permanent Note just right clicking on the "permanent" folder and select "New Note"
- You will be prompted for a Title
- should more than two words, separeted by spaces and without any special character
- You will be asked to choose among active projects related to it
- Setup a new Fleeting Note just right clicking on the "reference" folder and select "New Note"
- You will be asked to choose among active projects related to it
- Do not delete any fleeting note because this would compromise notes numbering
A Project is a collection of Permanent Notes organised in a MOC ( Map Of Concept )
- Each time we start a new learning path
- Each time we start a new working experience
- Each time we start a personal journey
A Reference Note stores meaningful content ( e.g. quotes ) copied from a specific resource (e.g. any raw type of content produced by someone else in a non-markdown format like web video, web article, paper, book ).
- While studying a Reaserch / Paper
- While watching a Tutorial
- While reading a Book
A Fleeting Note is where resonating and sudden ideas could be stored and used later.
- While editing a Permanent Note
- While editing a Reference Note
- While having a Meeting
- While reading Emails
- While performing daily Tasks
A Permanent Note is an original production about a concept.
- While creating new content