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A service checker that checks the availability of given services and ports.


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service checker

The service checker is a tool to do some server checks. It can check the server accessibility, open and closed ports, dns settings, http status codes, ssl certificates, etc. It can send emails if any check is failed. With an environment file you can easily collect all server check configurations and use them as a cronjob task.

A.) First usage

A.1) installation

This application uses the friends of bash libraries ( Check that the libraries are available:

user$ friends-of-bash --version

If you can see a similar friends of bash version output like above, you can now install this application:

user$ sudo -E friends-of-bash install "[email protected]:bjoern-hempel/service-checker.git"

If you don't have installed the friends of bash libraries, please install them first. In short:

user$ cd ~ && git clone [email protected]:bjoern-hempel/friends-of-bash.git && cd friends-of-bash
user$ sudo -E bin/install
user$ cd .. && rm -rf friends-of-bash

A.2) installation Show the help dialog (--help)

user$ service-checker --help

service-checker: A service checker (v0.0.15) by Björn Hempel <[email protected]>.

Usage: service-checker [options...] <ip>
 -pp,   --port-positive           Checks that this given port is opened on the given machine.

 -pn,   --port-negative           Checks that this given port is closed on the given machine.

 -sc,   --status-code             Checks that a given url returns an expected status code (http:80). Needs a -dn option before.

        option (-dn domain.tld)                           url check                                     expected return
        -sc 301                                           http://domain.tld                             301
        -sc >                                             http://domain.tld                             301
        -sc 301=https://domain.tld                        http://domain.tld                             301 with target https://domain.tld
        -sc >https                                        http://(domain.tld)                           301 with target https://$1
        -sc >/redirect/home.html                          http://(domain.tld)                           301 with target http://$1/redirect/home.html

 -ssc,  --secure-status-code      Checks that a given url returns an expected status code (https:443). Needs a -dn option before.

        option (-dn domain.tld)                           url check                                     expected return
        -ssc 401                                          https://domain.tld                            401 (password protection)
        -ssc user:pass@200                                https://user:[email protected]                  200
        -cre user:pass                                    >> set credentials for the following checks
        -ssc 200                                          https://user:[email protected]                  200
        -ssc user:wrongpass@401                           https://user:[email protected]             401
        -cre-                                             >> remove credentials
        -ssc 401                                          https://domain.tld                            401 (password protection)
        -ssc user:pass@404:/server-status                 https://user:[email protected]/server-status    404
        -ssc 404:/nonexisting.html                        https://domain.tld/nonexisting.html           404
        -ssc 404,401:/typo3                               https://domain.tld/typo3                      404 or 401
        -ssc 404,401,301=https://typo3.domain.tld:/typo3  https://domain.tld/typo3                      404 or 401 or 301 with target https://typo3.domain.tld

 -dn,   --set-domainname          Sets the current domain name or a list of current domain names.
                                  Some other parameter use this parameter as requirement: like -ssl, etc.
 -cre,  --set-credenial           Sets the current webserver credentials. With this set credentials other commands can be combined.
 -cre-, --remove-credenial        Removes the current set webserver credentials.
 -ssl,  --check-ssl-certificate   Checks the ssl certificate. Needs a -dn option before.

 -ahv,  --apache-host-viewer      With this option you indicate that the reviewed server has the apache-host-viewer extension
                                  enabled or not. The apache-host-viewer is a self-diagnosis tool and gives you informations
                                  directly from the reviewed server. See
                                  for more informations about that.
 -ahc,  --apache-host-credenials  Sets the apache host viewer credentials to access to this service. This option need the
                                  --apache-host-viewer option before.

 -em,   --email                   Email addresses (comma separated) from recipients of the success and failed mails.
 -fe,   --from-email              From email address (used for success and failed mails).
 -er,   --email-relay             Change the email relay strategy (direct, docker:[name]).
 -to,   --time-out                Time out for email delivery (avoid mass email delivery)
 -json, --json-file               Adds the json log output.
 -log,  --log-file                Adds the log output.
 -id,   --identifier              An optional identifier which will be used for some information channels like email,
                                  etc. (if not given it uses the ip address)

 -dp,   --disable-ping            Disable the ping check.

 -ats,  --allowed-test-systems    Adds a range of system ips (cvs) of allowed test systems. This parameter is useful if the service-checker
                                  is used on multiple systems, but only one or a few of the server are allowed to test the given configuration.

 -sdo,  --suppress-direct-output  1 - Suppress all directly printed outputs to screen (excluding log outputs, etc.); 0 - Don't suppress

 -h,    --help                    Shows this help.

1.) Usage

1.1) Ping check

1.1.1) Check that given system is awake (ping check)

Check ip

user$ service-checker
[2017-05-07 01:12:13] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 01:12:13] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.1.2) Disable the ping check

Disable the ping check (-dp).

$ service-checker -dp
[2017-05-07 01:38:55] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.2) Port checks

1.2.1) Check that given ports are reachable

Check that the ports 22, 80 and 443 are open (-p+).

user$ service-checker -p+ 22 -p+ 80 -p+ 443
[2017-05-07 01:19:04] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 01:19:04] [PASSED]  [ports.positive.22]                          The port "22" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-05-07 01:19:04] [PASSED]  [ports.positive.80]                          The port "80" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-05-07 01:19:04] [PASSED]  [ports.positive.443]                         The port "443" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-05-07 01:19:04] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.2.2) Check that given ports are not reachable

Port 111 and 25 should be closed (-p-).

$ service-checker -p- 111 -p- 25
[2017-05-07 01:19:04] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 01:45:41] [PASSED]  [ports.negative.111]                         The port "111" on system with ip "" is closed.
[2017-05-07 01:45:43] [PASSED]  [ports.negative.25]                          The port "25" on system with ip "" is closed.
[2017-05-07 01:45:43] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.3) DNS checks

1.3.1) A-record check

The given domains should be assigned to the ip

user$ service-checker -dn -dn
[2017-05-07 02:08:15] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 02:08:15] [PASSED]  []                  The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-05-07 02:08:15] [PASSED]  []              The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-05-07 02:08:15] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.3.2) MX-record check


1.3.3) TXT-record check (SPF check)


1.4) Webserver status code checks

1.4.1) Simple status code check with root path (/)

Check that the uri returns a 200 status code.

user$ service-checker -dn -ssc 200
[2017-05-07 14:07:41] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 14:07:41] [PASSED]  []              The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-05-07 14:07:42] [PASSED]  [statusCodes.case1]                          The url "" returns the expected status code "200".
[2017-05-07 14:07:42] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.4.2) Simple status code check with given path

Check that for example the backend is not available or at least password protected. For example /typo3. Unsecure connection should be redirected.

user$ service-checker -dn -ssc 404,401:/typo3 -sc 301=
[2017-05-07 14:46:37] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 14:46:37] [PASSED]  []              The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-05-07 14:46:37] [PASSED]  [statusCodes.case1]                          ┏━  The url "" returns the expected status code "404"
                                                                             ┗━  (one of the expected ports: 404, 401).
[2017-05-07 14:46:38] [PASSED]  [statusCodes.case2]                          ┏━  The url "" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                             ┃   The url "" returns the given compare string:
                                                                             ┗━  "".
[2017-05-07 14:46:38] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.4.3) Check multiple status codes

Unsecure connections must be redirected to the secure one ( The TLD-Domain without beginning www ( must be redirected to the one with www. The secure connection must than serve a 200 status code.

user$ service-checker -dn -sc 301= -ssc 301= -dn -sc 301= -ssc 200
[2017-05-07 14:12:46] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 14:12:46] [PASSED]  []                  The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-05-07 14:12:46] [PASSED]  []              The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-05-07 14:12:46] [PASSED]  [statusCodes.case1]                          ┏━  The url "" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                             ┃   The url "" returns the given compare string:
                                                                             ┗━  "".
[2017-05-07 14:12:47] [PASSED]  [statusCodes.case2]                          The url "" returns the expected status code "200".
[2017-05-07 14:12:47] [PASSED]  [statusCodes.case3]                          ┏━  The url "" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                             ┃   The url "" returns the given compare string:
                                                                             ┗━  "".
[2017-05-07 14:12:47] [PASSED]  [statusCodes.case4]                          ┏━  The url "" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                             ┃   The url "" returns the given compare string:
                                                                             ┗━  "".
[2017-05-07 14:12:47] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.5) SSL certificates

1.5.1) Check validity, expiring date, etc.

Check the chain file, certificate file, the validity, the expiring date, the domain name and the activated ocsp.

user$ service-checker -dn -ssl
[2017-05-07 15:09:05] [PASSED]  [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-05-07 15:09:05] [PASSED]  []              The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-05-07 15:09:05] [PASSED]  [] The certificate from the domain "" was successfully verified.
[2017-05-07 15:09:05] [PASSED]  []   ┏━  The chainfile from the issuer
                                                                             ┃   "/C=US/O=Let's Encrypt/CN=Let's Encrypt Authority X3"
                                                                             ┗━  was successfully verified.
[2017-05-07 15:09:06] [PASSED]  []   The certificate from the domain "" is valid until "2017-06-25 21:44".
[2017-05-07 15:09:06] [PASSED]  [] The domain "" validate the domain name in certificate file.
[2017-05-07 15:09:06] [PASSED]  []    The ocsp is activated on domain "" ("").
[2017-05-07 15:09:06] [PASSED]  [overall]                                    All checks passed.

1.6) A combination of ip, port, domain, status code and ssl checks

Check ip; Ports 10022, 80 and 443 must be opened; Ports 3306 and 111 must be closed; and must be assigned to the ip; Unsecure connections must be redirected to the secure one (; Secure connections must serve a 200 status code; The certificates must be valid

$ service-checker -p+ 10022 -p+ 80 -p+ 443 -p- 3306 -p- 111 \
-dn -sc 301= -ssc 200 -ssl \
-dn -sc 404,301=
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The system with ip is running
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The port "10022" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The port "80" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The port "443" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The port "3306" on system with ip "" is closed.
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The port "111" on system with ip "" is closed.
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The url "" returns the expected status code "301".
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The url "" returns the given compare string "".
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The url "" returns the expected status code "301" (one of the expected ports: 404, 301).
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The url "" returns the given compare string "".
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The url "" returns the expected status code "200".
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The certificate from the domain "" was successfully verified.
[2017-03-12 16:43:38] [PASSED‧] The chainfile from the issuer "/C=BE/O=GlobalSign nv-sa/CN=AlphaSSL CA - SHA256 - G2" was successfully verified.
[2017-03-12 16:43:39] [PASSED‧] The certificate from the domain "" is valid until "2018-03-07 14:53".
[2017-03-12 16:43:39] [PASSED‧] The domain "" validate the domain name in certificate file.
[2017-03-12 16:43:39] [PASSED‧] The ocsp is activated on domain "" ("").
[2017-03-12 16:43:39] [PASSED‧] All checks passed.

2.) Logging

3.) Notifications

4.) Use environments

The checker script uses the environments.conf inside the root folder (mostly inside the folder /opt/service-checker) or directly from /etc/service-checker/environments.conf. You can find some examples within the file environments.conf.dist. With the environment files you can save some server check settings without entering every time the check configs. Instead you can use an environment name or the a selection list to start the test.

4.1) Example content for environments.conf

# METRO PPD (live):
# -----------------
# check
#   -
#   - api, etc.
metroppd {
        -p+ 80 -p+ 443 -p- 22
            -ssc 401
            -cre rsm:rsm2016
            -sc 301=
            -ssc 200=ausgeliefert:/v1.0/info
            -sc 301=
            -ssc 200
        [email protected],[email protected]
        [email protected]

4.2) Usage (with choice)

$ service-checker 

The following system test environments are available:

No Name                 IP
1) ALL                  ALL
2) metroppd   

Choose the environment number you would like to test: 2

[2017-04-25 01:52:39] [HEADER] CHECK CONFIG METROPPD
[2017-04-25 01:52:39] [PASSED] [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-04-25 01:52:39] [PASSED] [ports.positive.80]                          The port "80" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-04-25 01:52:39] [PASSED] [ports.positive.443]                         The port "443" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-04-25 01:52:41] [PASSED] [ports.negative.22]                          The port "22" on system with ip "" is closed.
[2017-04-25 01:52:41] [PASSED] []                 The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-04-25 01:52:41] [PASSED] []                  The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-04-25 01:52:42] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case1]                          ┏━  The url "https://rsm:[email protected]/v1.0/info" returns the expected status code "200".
                                                                            ┃   The url "https://rsm:[email protected]/v1.0/info" returns the given compare string:
                                                                            ┗━  "ausgeliefert".
[2017-04-25 01:52:42] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case2]                          ┏━  The url "" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                            ┃   The url "" returns the given compare string:
                                                                            ┗━  "".
[2017-04-25 01:52:42] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case3]                          ┏━  The url "http://rsm:[email protected]" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                            ┃   The url "http://rsm:[email protected]" returns the given compare string:
                                                                            ┗━  "".
[2017-04-25 01:52:42] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case4]                          The url "" returns the expected status code "401".
[2017-04-25 01:52:42] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case5]                          The url "" returns the expected status code "200".
[2017-04-25 01:52:43] [PASSED] []   The certificate from the domain "" was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:52:43] [PASSED] []      ┏━  The chainfile from the issuer
                                                                            ┃   "/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA"
                                                                            ┗━  was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:52:43] [PASSED] []      The certificate from the domain "" is valid until "2017-11-26 00:59".
[2017-04-25 01:52:43] [PASSED] [] The domain "" validate the domain name in certificate file.
[2017-04-25 01:52:43] [PASSED] []       The ocsp is activated on domain "" ("").
[2017-04-25 01:52:43] [PASSED] []    The certificate from the domain "" was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:52:44] [PASSED] []       ┏━  The chainfile from the issuer
                                                                            ┃   "/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA"
                                                                            ┗━  was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:52:44] [PASSED] []       The certificate from the domain "" is valid until "2017-11-26 00:59".
[2017-04-25 01:52:44] [PASSED] []  The domain "" validate the domain name in certificate file.
[2017-04-25 01:52:44] [PASSED] []        The ocsp is activated on domain "" ("").
[2017-04-25 01:52:44] [PASSED] [overall]                                    All checks passed.
[2017-04-25 01:52:44] [INFO]   Ignore sending success mail to [email protected] (no error mail before) (identifier: metroppd).

4.3) Usage (directly use the choice)

user$ service-checker metroppd
[2017-04-25 01:53:29] [HEADER] CHECK CONFIG METROPPD
[2017-04-25 01:53:29] [PASSED] [system.awake]                               The system with ip is running
[2017-04-25 01:53:29] [PASSED] [ports.positive.80]                          The port "80" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-04-25 01:53:29] [PASSED] [ports.positive.443]                         The port "443" on system with ip "" is open.
[2017-04-25 01:53:31] [PASSED] [ports.negative.22]                          The port "22" on system with ip "" is closed.
[2017-04-25 01:53:31] [PASSED] []                 The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-04-25 01:53:31] [PASSED] []                  The given domain "" is assigned to ip "".
[2017-04-25 01:53:32] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case1]                          ┏━  The url "https://rsm:[email protected]/v1.0/info" returns the expected status code "200".
                                                                            ┃   The url "https://rsm:[email protected]/v1.0/info" returns the given compare string:
                                                                            ┗━  "ausgeliefert".
[2017-04-25 01:53:32] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case2]                          ┏━  The url "" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                            ┃   The url "" returns the given compare string:
                                                                            ┗━  "".
[2017-04-25 01:53:32] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case3]                          ┏━  The url "http://rsm:[email protected]" returns the expected status code "301".
                                                                            ┃   The url "http://rsm:[email protected]" returns the given compare string:
                                                                            ┗━  "".
[2017-04-25 01:53:32] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case4]                          The url "" returns the expected status code "401".
[2017-04-25 01:53:32] [PASSED] [statusCodes.case5]                          The url "" returns the expected status code "200".
[2017-04-25 01:53:33] [PASSED] []   The certificate from the domain "" was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:53:33] [PASSED] []      ┏━  The chainfile from the issuer
                                                                            ┃   "/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA"
                                                                            ┗━  was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:53:33] [PASSED] []      The certificate from the domain "" is valid until "2017-11-26 00:59".
[2017-04-25 01:53:33] [PASSED] [] The domain "" validate the domain name in certificate file.
[2017-04-25 01:53:33] [PASSED] []       The ocsp is activated on domain "" ("").
[2017-04-25 01:53:33] [PASSED] []    The certificate from the domain "" was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:53:34] [PASSED] []       ┏━  The chainfile from the issuer
                                                                            ┃   "/C=GB/ST=Greater Manchester/L=Salford/O=COMODO CA Limited/CN=COMODO RSA Organization Validation Secure Server CA"
                                                                            ┗━  was successfully verified.
[2017-04-25 01:53:34] [PASSED] []       The certificate from the domain "" is valid until "2017-11-26 00:59".
[2017-04-25 01:53:34] [PASSED] []  The domain "" validate the domain name in certificate file.
[2017-04-25 01:53:34] [PASSED] []        The ocsp is activated on domain "" ("").
[2017-04-25 01:53:34] [PASSED] [overall]                                    All checks passed.
[2017-04-25 01:53:34] [INFO]   Ignore sending success mail to [email protected] (no error mail before) (identifier: metroppd).


MIT © Björn Hempel