dead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django (1.8-2.0).
install via pip:
pip install django-crontab
add it to installed apps in django
now create a new method that should be executed by cron every 5 minutes, f.e. in myapp/
def my_scheduled_job():
now add this to your
('*/5 * * * *', 'myapp.cron.my_scheduled_job')
you can also define positional and keyword arguments which let you call django management commands:
('*/5 * * * *', 'myapp.cron.other_scheduled_job', ['arg1', 'arg2'], {'verbose': 0}),
('0 4 * * *', '', ['clearsessions']),
finally, run this command to add all defined jobs from CRONJOBS to crontab (of the user which you are running this command with):
python crontab add
show current active jobs of this project:
python crontab show
removing all defined jobs is straightforward:
python crontab remove
there are a bunch of setting vars to customize behavior. each of them comes with default values that should properly fit. if not, feel free to overwrite.
list of jobs, each defined as a tuple:
- format 1:
- required: cron timing in usual format (see Wikipedia and for more examples)
- required: the python module path to the method
- optional: a job-specific suffix (f.e. to redirect out/err to a file, default: '')
- format 2:
- required: cron timing
- required: the python module path to the method
- optional: list of positional arguments for the method (default: [])
- optional: dict of keyword arguments for the method (default: {})
- optional: a job specific suffix (f.e. to redirect out/err to a file, default: '')
- format 1:
NOTE: Run "python crontab add" each time you change CRONJOBS in any way!
default: []
CRONJOBS = [ ('*/5 * * * *', 'myapp.cron.my_scheduled_job'), # format 1 ('0 0 1 * *', 'myapp.cron.my_scheduled_job', '>> /tmp/scheduled_job.log'), # format 2 ('0 0 1 * *', 'myapp.cron.other_scheduled_job', ['myapp']), ('0 0 * * 0', '', ['dumpdata', 'auth'], {'indent': 4}, '> /home/john/backups/last_sunday_auth_backup.json'), ]
- prevent starting a job if an old instance of the same job is still running
- default: False
- since 0.5.0
- path to the crontab executable of your os
- default: '/usr/bin/crontab'
- the name of your django project, used to build path path to and to mark the jobs in contrab via comment for later removing
- default is read from DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable
- path to file (including the itself, i.e. '/home/john/web/')
- default is build using DJANGO_PROJECT_NAME
- dotted python path to the settings module to run the command with
- default is the common one from the environment variable and will not be overwritten
- since 0.6.0
- path to the python interpreter executable used to run the scheduled job
- default uses the interpreter executable used to add the jobs (via 'python crontab add')
- something you want to do or declare, before each job gets executed. A good place for environment variables.
- default: '' (empty string)
- example: 'STAGE=production'
- something you want to do after each job was executed.
- default: '' (empty string)
- example: '2>&1'
- used for marking the added contab-lines for removing, default value includes project name to distinguish multiple projects on the same host and user
- default: 'django-crontabs for ' + CRONTAB_DJANGO_PROJECT_NAME
arski cinghiale meric426 justdoit0823 chamaken
I'm using this old django version (<1.8) and can't install this package. What should i do? - Yeah, update django of course (!) or - as you seem to be familiar with old, unsupported versions, install the old version of this package too (it support django 1.3-1.7):
pip install django-crontab==0.6.0
Will it work with windows? - No.
Will it work within a docker? - Not immediately, you need to start the cron service.
Problems with `pyenv`? - You maybe need to setup the PATH variable within crontab. Have a look at #60
I'm getting "bad command"/"errors in cronfile" while installing via "crontab add". What's wrong? - Maybe it's your cron time format, it can have 5 or 6 fields. Check that your system supports 6 or just define 5 in CRONJOBS. (see #23)
Why does the LOGGING not work when started via cronjob? - That's maybe something about the current working dir. Please set your FileHandler's file path absolute and try again. (see #31)
MIT-License, see LICENSE file.