Calculates the phononic transport according to [1].
- Python 3.x
- tmoutproc
python3 config_file
- Build molecule in Avogadro. Save as .xyz file
- Relaxation and hessian:
- Geometry optimization e.g. using xtb (
- Align molecule -> x axis through anchoring atoms (not hydrogen). Important if in_plane option is used
- Calculate hessian e.g using xtb (
[Data Input]
data_path= #path where data is located
hessian_name=hessian #filename of hessian #filename of coord file (.xyz and Turbomole format allowed)
n_l=5,1,2 #indices of atoms (-> ordering of coord file) connected to left lead
n_r=1,2,3 #indices of atoms (-> ordering of coord file) connected to right lead
M_L=Au # atom type in left/right lead
M_C=Au # atom type in center connected to lead
gamma= #coupling constant from [Phonon interference effects in molecular junctions](
E_D= #Debey energy
N= #number of grid points for transmission calculation
in_plane=False #in_plane option from [Phonon interference effects in molecular junctions](
T_min= #lower bound for thermal conductance integral (avoid zero)
T_max= #upper bound for thermal conductance integral
kappa_grid_points= #number of grid point in thermal conductance integral
T_kappa_c= #temperature at which kumulative thermal conductance is calculated
eigenchannel=True (True: Eigenchannels are calculated. See comment)
every_nth=1 (for all, -1 for none. Specifies number of plotted eigenchannels in data_path/transport_channels.pdf)
channel_max=3 (number of plotted and stored eigenchannels. All channels are calculated)
[Data Output]
plot_g=True #plot surface green function
- data_path/phonon_trans.dat
- data_path/kappa.dat
- data_path/transport.pdf
- data_path/g0.pdf (optional, see plot_g)
- data_path/transport_channels.pdf (optional, see Eigenchannel)
- data_path/transport_channels.dat (NOT IMPLEMENTED YET, see Eigenchannel)
- data_path/eigenchannels/*.nmd (optional, see Eigenchannel)
NOTE: transport_channels.dat not implemented yet.
If eigenchannel=True is set, the transmission eigenchannels according to [2] are calculated. The total transmission is then calculated as sum over all eigenchannels. The first channel_max channels are plotted in data_path/transport_channels.pdf. every_nth specifies which eigenchannels are written to *nmd file.
NOTE: Not implemented yet.
NOTE: Not implemented yet.
python3 config_file
Calculates thermal conductance from phonon transmission. Energy must be in Hartrees!
Transport calculation for transmission (does not necessarily have to be calculated with this program)
A reduced config file is sufficient for this
[Data Input]
data_path= #path where data is located
transp_name= #name of file containing phonon transmission
transp_units = [har],[sqrt(har/(bohr**2*u))] # hartree is default
kappa_int_lower_E=0 #lower integral limit in kappa Energy integral in meV (optional, for further analysis). See commet below
kappa_int_upper_E=5 #upper integral limit in kappa Energy integral in meV (optional, for further analysis). See comment below
T_min= #lower bound for thermal conductance integral (avoid zero)
T_max= #upper bound for thermal conductance integral
kappa_grid_points= #number of grid point in thermal conductance integral
If kappa_int_lower_E and kappa_int_upper_E are set, the cumulative thermal conductance
- data_path/kappa.dat
- data_path/kappa.pdf
- data_path/kappa_c.dat (optional)
- data_path/kappa_c.pdf (optional)
NOTE: Not implemented yet.
- .g98 files for Eigenchannels
- Calculation of Phonon Eigenchannels (Standalone)
- Writeout of eigenchannel data
Multiple electrode models
Database for coupling parameters or more consistent calculation
Example files
Writeout of propagator elements
Writeout of Participation ratio
Markussen, T. (2013).
Phonon interference effects in molecular junctions.
The Journal of chemical physics, 139(24), 244101.
Klöckner, J. C., Cuevas, J. C., & Pauly, F. (2018). Transmission eigenchannels for coherent phonon transport. Physical Review B, 97(15), 155432.
Matthias Blaschke [email protected]