Can be used to easily add new items to Valheim. Will automatically add config options to your mod and sync the configuration from a server, if the mod is installed on the server as well.
Copy the asset bundle into your project and make sure to set it as an EmbeddedResource in the properties of the asset bundle.
Default path for the asset bundle is an assets
directory, but you can override this.
This way, you don't have to distribute your assets with your mod. They will be embedded into your mods DLL.
Download the ItemManager.dll and the ServerSync.dll from the release section to the right. Including the DLLs is best done via ILRepack ( You can load this package (ILRepack.Lib.MSBuild.Task) from NuGet.
If you have installed ILRepack via NuGet, simply create a file named ILRepack.targets
in your project and copy the following content into the file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<Target Name="ILRepacker" AfterTargets="Build">
<InputAssemblies Include="$(TargetPath)" />
<InputAssemblies Include="$(OutputPath)\ItemManager.dll" />
<InputAssemblies Include="$(OutputPath)\ServerSync.dll" />
<ILRepack Parallel="true" DebugInfo="true" Internalize="true" InputAssemblies="@(InputAssemblies)" OutputFile="$(TargetPath)" TargetKind="SameAsPrimaryAssembly" LibraryPath="$(OutputPath)" />
Make sure to set the ItemManager.dll and the ServerSync.dll in your project to "Copy to output directory" in the properties of the DLLs and to add a reference to it.
After that, simply add using ItemManager;
to your mod and use the Item
class, to add your items.
This adds three different weapons from two different asset bundles. The ironfang
asset bundle is in a directory called IronFang
, while the heroset
asset bundle is in a directory called assets
using BepInEx;
using ItemManager;
namespace Weapons
[BepInPlugin(ModGUID, ModName, ModVersion)]
public class Weapons : BaseUnityPlugin
private const string ModName = "Weapons";
private const string ModVersion = "1.0";
private const string ModGUID = "org.bepinex.plugins.weapons";
public void Awake()
Item ironFangAxe = new("ironfang", "IronFangAxe", "IronFang");
ironFangAxe.Name.English("Iron Fang Axe"); // You can use this to fix the display name in code
ironFangAxe.Description.English("A sharp blade made of iron.");
ironFangAxe.Name.German("Eisenzahnaxt"); // Or add translations for other languages
ironFangAxe.Description.German("Eine sehr scharfe Axt, bestehend aus Eisen und Wolfszähnen.");
ironFangAxe.Crafting.Add("MyAmazingCraftingStation", 3); // Custom crafting stations can be specified as a string
ironFangAxe.MaximumRequiredStationLevel = 5; // Limits the crafting station level required to upgrade or repair the item to 5
ironFangAxe.RequiredItems.Add("Iron", 120);
ironFangAxe.RequiredItems.Add("WolfFang", 20);
ironFangAxe.RequiredItems.Add("Silver", 40);
ironFangAxe.RequiredUpgradeItems.Add("Iron", 20); // Upgrade requirements are per item, even if you craft two at the same time
ironFangAxe.RequiredUpgradeItems.Add("Silver", 10); // 10 Silver: You need 10 silver for level 2, 20 silver for level 3, 30 silver for level 4
ironFangAxe.CraftAmount = 2; // We really want to dual wield these
ItemManager.PrefabManager.RegisterPrefab("ironfang", "axeVisual"); // If our axe has a special visual effect, like a glow, we can skip adding it to the ObjectDB this way
ItemManager.PrefabManager.RegisterPrefab("ironfang", "axeSound"); // Same for special sound effects
Item heroBlade = new("heroset", "HeroBlade");
heroBlade.Crafting.Add(CraftingTable.Workbench, 2);
heroBlade.RequiredItems.Add("Wood", 5);
heroBlade.RequiredItems.Add("DeerHide", 2);
heroBlade.RequiredUpgradeItems.Add("Wood", 2);
heroBlade.RequiredUpgradeItems.Add("Flint", 2); // You can even add new items for the upgrade
Item heroShield = new("heroset", "HeroShield");
heroShield["My first recipe"].Crafting.Add(CraftingTable.Workbench, 1); // You can add multiple recipes for the same item, by giving the recipe a name
heroShield["My first recipe"].RequiredItems.Add("Wood", 10);
heroShield["My first recipe"].RequiredItems.Add("Flint", 5);
heroShield["My first recipe"].RequiredUpgradeItems.Add("Wood", 5);
heroShield["My alternate recipe"].Crafting.Add(CraftingTable.Forge, 1); // And this is our second recipe then
heroShield["My alternate recipe"].RequiredItems.Add("Bronze", 2);
heroShield["My alternate recipe"].RequiredUpgradeItems.Add("Bronze", 1);
heroShield.Snapshot(); // I don't have an icon for this item in my asset bundle, so I will let the ItemManager generate one automatically
// The icon for the item will have the same rotation as the item in unity
_ = new Conversion(heroBlade) // For some reason, we want to be able to put a hero shield into a smelter, to get a hero blade
Input = "HeroShield",
Piece = ConversionPiece.Smelter
heroShield.DropsFrom.Add("Greydwarf", 0.3f, 1, 2); // A Greydwarf has a 30% chance, to drop 1-2 hero shields.