This repository contains the source material for my website.
I build my website using blogdown and Hugo, and deploy it via Netlify.
I organise blog posts as leaf bundles under content/blog/
Some posts are written in R Markdown.
I convert such posts to Markdown using R/build.R
I use a custom taxonomy to classify my blog posts based on the topics they discuss:
- culture
- (micro)economics: choices, markets, and strategic behavior
- education
- finance and investing
- mathematics and mathematical proofs
- (mass) media: blogs, music, and podcasts
- networks
- politics, voting, and government
- research and academia
- information about software and data I maintain
- sports
- statistics: sampling, estimation, and inference
- technology
I list my research projects in data/research.yaml
I build my CV using R/cv.R
based on data stored in data/
I save the intermediate TeX file for version control.
Except where stated otherwise, all website content is licensed under a CC BY-SA 4.0 license.