Video Documentation of this project, URL -
Interactive Agents and Procedural Generation Demo documentation References for code
NavMesh - Unity's NavMesh Components is being used to bake the navmesh and navigate the agent
- Files
- Home - The main class that creates the home
- HomeArea - Calculates the partitions and Generates the rooms in the space using the Binary space partitioning algorithm
- BinarySpacePartitioner - Implements the algorithm
- Room Generator - Handles the generation of the rooms and stores them in a list
- Node and RoomNode - Node classes that hold the room data
- RoomStructure and Line - Defines the room structure and its orientation (Horizontal or vertical)
- CorridorGenerator and Corridor - Generates the corridors and holds the corridor data in a Corridor node
- Files
- BTNode - Implements the node data structure
- BTree - Abstract class for the agent behaviour trees
- Selector and Sequence - Handle the flow and execution of the behaviours/actions
- SimBT - The main behaviour class that defines the agent behaviour
- Roam - An agent behaviour tree node that makes the agent roam around the house using rooms as waypoints and navmesh to navigate
- CheckAgentNeeds - A BT Node that checks the agent needs as per the sequence and sets the agents next target/task
- TaskGoTo - Defines the tasks for each room
- Bathroom
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Living
- Work
- DoNow
- AgentNeedsUpdate - Currently handles the state of the agent that enables the agent to update the stats as per the state. This also handles the colour change as per the state
- Sleeping state
- Working state
- Eating state
- Showering state
- Relaxing state