A student that completes this project shows they can:
- explain what automated testing is and why it is important
- use JUnit to write, run, and interpret the output of unit tests for services with or without database access
- use JUnit to write, run, and interpret the output of unit tests for controllers
- implement Automated Integration Testing for REST APIs using JUnit and RestAssured
This is a basic database scheme with users, user emails, and user roles. This Java Spring REST API application will provide endpoints for clients to read various data sets contained in the application's data.
The data layout is as follows
- User is the driving table.
- Useremails have a Many-To-One relationship with User. Each User has many user email combinations. Each user email combination has only one User.
- Roles have a Many-To-Many relationship with Users.
Using the provided seed data, expand each endpoint below to see the output it generates.
"useremailid": 5,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"role": {
"roleid": 1,
"name": "ADMIN"
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"useremailid": 6,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"role": {
"roleid": 1,
"name": "ADMIN"
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"useremailid": 8,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"useremailid": 12,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 11,
"username": "barnbarn",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"useremailid": 8,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
DELETE http://localhost:2019/useremails/useremail/8
No Body Data
Status OK
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
POST http://localhost:2019/useremails/user/14/email/[email protected]
Location Header: http://localhost:2019/useremails/useremail/15
"useremailid": 15,
"useremail": "[email protected]",
"user": {
"userid": 14,
"username": "misskitty",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"roleid": 1,
"name": "ADMIN",
"users": [
"user": {
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 5,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 6,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER",
"users": [
"user": {
"userid": 14,
"username": "misskitty",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 15,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"user": {
"userid": 13,
"username": "puttat",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": []
"user": {
"userid": 11,
"username": "barnbarn",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 12,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"user": {
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 5,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 6,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA",
"users": [
"user": {
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 5,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 6,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA",
"users": [
"user": {
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 5,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 6,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA",
"users": [
"user": {
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 5,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 6,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"user": {
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
POST http://localhost:2019/roles/role
"name" : "ANewRole"
Location Header: http://localhost:2019/roles/role/16
"roleid": 16,
"name": "ANEWROLE",
"users": []
PUT http://localhost:2019/roles/role/16
"name" : "ANewRole"
Status OK
"userid": 4,
"username": "admin",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 5,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 6,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"role": {
"roleid": 1,
"name": "ADMIN"
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"userid": 11,
"username": "barnbarn",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 12,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"userid": 13,
"username": "puttat",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [],
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"userid": 14,
"username": "misskitty",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 15,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinnamon",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 9,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 10,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
POST http://localhost:2019/users/user
"username": "Mojo",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"password" : "Coffee123",
"useremails": [
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 1
"role": {
"roleid": 2
No Body Data
Location Header: http://localhost:2019/users/user/17
Status 201 Created
PUT http://localhost:2019/users/user/14
"username": "stumps",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"password" : "EarlGray123",
"useremails": [
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 3
"role": {
"roleid": 1
No Body Data
Status OK
"userid": 16,
"username": "stumps",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 19,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 20,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 1,
"name": "ADMIN"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
PATCH http://localhost:2019/users/user/7
"username": "cinabun",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremail": "[email protected]"
No Body Data
Status OK
"userid": 7,
"username": "cinabun",
"primaryemail": "[email protected]",
"useremails": [
"useremailid": 21,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 22,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"useremailid": 23,
"useremail": "[email protected]"
"roles": [
"role": {
"roleid": 2,
"name": "USER"
"role": {
"roleid": 3,
"name": "DATA"
DELETE http://localhost:2019/users/user/14
No Body Data
Status OK
- Please fork and clone this repository.
- This repository does have a starter project, so you must start with that application inside of the cloned repository folder. Regularly commit and push your code as appropriate.
- Provide unit testing for the User Service (with or without database access). To reach MVP you must provide at least 75% coverage of the code in User Service as reported in IntelliJ
- Provide unit testing for the User Controller without touching the database. To reach MVP you must provide at least 75% coverage of the code in User Controller as reported in IntelliJ
- Provide integration testing for the User Controller. To reach the Stretch Goal you must provide 95% coverage of the code in User Controller as reported in IntelliJ
- Provide unit testing for the User Service (with or without database access - pick the one you did not do for MVP). To reach the Stretch Goal you must provide 95% coverage of the code in User Service as reported in IntelliJ