A Lua interpreter using GML
Holds the instructions that are ran
local a = 3
>local b = 7 + a
The selected statement instructs that the value of 7 plus the value within a is placed within a new variable, b
Holds the context (variables) that are used in instructions
local a = 3
>local b = 7 + a
The selected statement must use Scope to find the value of a, which was declared via the previous statement
NOTICE: Only global scopes can be manipulated with the interface.
Makes a Lua Instructions Object from a string, directly or from a Lua file.
Runs the functions using the provided scope, if a scope is not provided, a default empty scope is made.
Expressions are changed to GML or Lua values as needed, automatically
Within the global scope, "scope", create a variable with identfier: name, and value: newExp
newExp can be any GML value that can be converted to a Lua value except for GML functions
Within the global scope, "scope", create a variable with identfier: name, and value: func
Lua GMFunctions have 2 different types, GMLtoGML and LuatoLua.
Most GMFunctions are GMLtoGML; the Lua values are converted into GML values and then sent to the associated GML function (If you wish to return multiple values, return an array of GML values)
LuatoLua functions provide the Lua values directly and expect a return Lua value. (If you wish to return multiple values, return an array of Lua values)
Gets the variable within the scope that has the given name and returns it as a GML value
Takes a string which is the name of a GML built in function and returns a GMFunction of said GML built in function
NOTICE: Certain GML built in functions state they will return a boolean, but actually returns an interger. This causes issues as Lua considers anything other than "Nil" and "False" to be Truthy. The manual here indicated that a real less than or equal to 0.5 is false and any greater than 0.5 is true.
You can use the GML built in function "bool" to cast the value into an actual boolean value to sidestep this issue.
This applies a white or black list to the "getgmlfunction" function within GMLua.
Functions not on the whitelist or conversely on the blacklist will result in an exception.
There is only 1 list and the boolean provided afterwards decides whether it is a white or black list.
By default, a whitelist with no function names is provided, however, a line of code at the end of GMLua_Control turns it into a blacklist
Certain built in functions, such as the ones used in collisions, must have context of an instance to work properly. Take context, a function, using the remaining expressions as arguments, return the func's return.
NOTICE (Functions): Lua has 2 data types for functions: Function and GMFunction. The former is for functions defined in Lua, the latter is for functiond defined in GML. Both may be used interchangeably in the Lua code.
NOTICE (Tables): If a struct or instance is provided to a scope to create a Table, changes to the inital data structure causes immediate changes to the Table and vice versa.
String -> String
Int32,Int64 -> Int
Number -> Float
Bool -> Boolean
Struct, Instance -> Table
Undefined -> Nil
Method -> GMFunction (Since non-method functions are indistinguishable from integers, if you wish to provide a non-method function to a Lua scope, first turn it into a method via method(undefined,func))
String -> String
Int -> Int64
Float -> Number
Boolean -> Bool
Table->Struct, Instance (default is struct)
Nil -> Undefined
GMFunction -> Method
Function -> Method
- Table string keys cannot start with: ["Table_","Function_", "GMFunction_","Number_"]
- Table string keys cannot be: ["Nil","Boolean_True", "Boolean_False"]
- There is no intent to add Userdata and any C related APIs
- The library has 3 basic functions: print, select, setmetatable
- The library function getgmlfunction allows Lua code to request a built-in function by name.
- Goto statements are NOT prohibited from jumping into the scope of a local variable
A test.zip file is provided in this project. If you would like to see a demo of this in action, place the test.zip file in the appropriate location depending on device and unzip it. Refer to this part of the manual.
Run the project and you should see 2 red circles with grey centers that follow the mouse at differing speeds. Please then check on the "Lua_test_object" to see an example on how to make the GML and Lua interact seamlessly. The lua code that is used is within the folder "test_object"