Releases: blueappio/
Releases · blueappio/
highlighting by changing the background color of the selected peripheral in scan picker
1.1.8 highlighting by changing the background color of the selected periphe…
Updated to work with the node
1.1.7 Updated the ployfill to work with the node
Changed the fulfill to reject when user cancel the scan request.
Sending the proper message when canceling the scan
Added the time out to Scan Indication
Bug fix
Gatt-IP update
Scan peripheral update
Passed the serviceUUId's & adv data to the peripheral object
1.1.3 Passing the servUUID's & advData tp peripheral obj
- Moved the existing one to 1.1.1
- Updated the polyfill with new changes
- Updated the picket text color to Black
- Made CordovaApp var to window variable
- Accepting the empty value to write to character
- Released the 1.1.2 to bower
changed the CordovaApp var to window var for isolate app's usage
1.1.1 Made the cordovaApp variable as the window variable to use in app's
- Handled the Bluetooth power on & off
- Updated the scan picker
- Updated the gatt-ip
Added scan view & Updated the filter based scan.
1.0.0 updated the version