We are in active development of the content at the moment, and breaking changes are to be expected as we encounter new use cases. The version of the documents is thus below 1.0, somewhere about 0.8 (if that means anything) as what we have is reasonably stable but we do not guarantee it!
We use mkdocs to manage the transformation from the easy-to-edit markdown content, into the nicely styled static HTML for the website. We use github to manage distributed contributions and continuous deployment.
To get up and running you need python 3.x, plus pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then run ./build.sh
to generate all the example JSON-LD files and the site into .site
Note that build.sh runs mkdocs build
twice ... the second time generates the example index that is created on the first run through, and makes sure the example documents are correctly processed.
Then run mkdocs serve
to run a local webserver at http://localhost:8000/ to view the site.
If you change a document and the webserver is running, then it will detect the change ... but rebuild over and over again due to the previous issue of changing the example documents.
Commits to the master branch will auto-deploy via our hosting provider, netlify, to the Linked Art site. Going to any branch will list all of the available previews.
Pull requests from any branch, regardless of which repository they're from, will auto-deploy to previews at https://deploy-preview-NNN--linked-art.netlify.com/, where NNN is the numeric identifier of the pull request. Commits on these branches with open PRs will re-deploy the preview.
Branches on this site will auto-deploy to https://BRANCHNAME--linked-art.netlify.com/ and thus a branch named "test" would result in a preview site at https://test--linked-art.netlify.com/.
Our thanks to Netlify for an "Open Source" account, giving access to the equivalent of a paid account's functionality.
Please join our discussions. How to get involved is described at: https://linked.art/community/
Most significant editorial changes are handled only after discussion with the community, filing of an issue and consensus around the solution. As this work is ongoing and very active, we are not currently tracking versions of the documents individually, or backwards incompatible changes.
Pull requests for typo corrections and other non-normative changes are very welcome from anyone.
Technical infrastructure improvements, such as tests, coverage or other integrations, are welcome but do drop by slack to discuss them first. Stylistic or HTML changes are the same.
- Fixed the known gotchas with the shift to mkdocs from hyde. Doubtless there are new ones!
- Rob Sanderson ([email protected])
- Linked Art Editorial Board
- David Newbury
- Matthew Lincoln