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Repository files navigation

GFW Assets

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This repo provides the navigation bar shared by all Global Forest Watch websites, such as GFW, GFW Fires, Commodities, etc.

Navbar in action



Install project dependencies:

npm install
bundle install // This install SASS in your computer, check Gemfile

Usage (development)

To see in development mode run and follow terminal instructions:

npm start

We are using webpack to build the assets, to run it:

npm build

To sync CDN with compiled version please run:

npm publish

How to use (in sites)

Add this piece of HTML in your site to add GFW's header:

<div id="headerGfw"></div>

And this to add GFW's footer:

<div id="footerGfw"></div>

To finish, add this script in your site:

<script id="loader-gfw" data-current=".shape-fires" src="https://[cdn-url]/gfw-assets.latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.liveSettings = {
	picker: '#transifexTranslateElement',
	api_key: "9eda410a7db74687ba40771c56abd357",
	detectlang: false,
	page: 'map' //or empty if you are not on map page
	site: 'gfw-watcher', // site
	ribbon: 'How to', // show bottom right ribbon text
	menuOptions: //options for the menu
		options: [
				title: 'logo', // important
				url: ''
				title: 'map',
				url: '#',
				title: 'countries',
				url: '/countries',
				title: 'blog',
				url: '',
				title: 'about',
				url: '/about',

Remember to add the id="loader-gfw" to the script tag and, if you want to highlight any of the links of the header you will have to add a data-current param. These are the data-current params that work:

  • .shape-home
  • .shape-apps
  • .shape-map
  • .shape-countries
  • .shape-fires
  • .shape-commodities
  • .shape-climate
  • .shape-odp
  • .shape-develop
  • .shape-all-apps
  • .shape-blog
  • .shape-howto
  • .shape-mygfw

If you use the latest.js, any change we make on the script will be inmediately populated on your page. Don't worry, we have tests and we will check it in your page before deploy. We would recommend to use the latest script always, but just in case the script is breaking your page you can specify a version:

<script id="loader-gfw" data-current=".shape-fires" src="https://[cdn-url]/gfw-assets.v0.1.0.js"></script>

Here you can find the allowed versions: Releases

The cdn-url in development will be the webpack dev server, which is mounted on http://localhost:9090


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D

Updating build files and uploading to S3 bucket

  • Bucket name: gfwpro-site-assets/js
  • Make sure you provide correct AWS PROFILE inforamtion inside ./util/ bash file line 15
  • To update build files and push to S3 bucket run npm run publish. This will:
    • Create dev, latest and nightly version of build files
    • Push build files to S3 using AWS CLI that