Welcome to the GitHub repository of the cloud design patterns. This repository contains the examples for the Pluralsight course series: Cloud Design Patterns for Azure.
The solution consists of:
- AutomaticScalingPattern
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- Program.cs
- CacheAsidePattern
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- CacheService.cs
- FakeDataSource.cs
- Program.cs
- CircuitBreakerPattern
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- All classes in the CircuitBreaker folder
- Program.cs
- CQRSPattern
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- All classes in the DataStores, Models and Services folders
- Program.cs
- EventSourcingPattern
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- All classes in the Commands and EventStore folders
- Program.cs
- QueueBasedLoadLevelingPatternApplication
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- One of the QueueBasedLoadLevelingPattern applications, this one acts as the application calling a service
- The pattern is implemented in
- Program.cs
- QueueBasedLoadLevelingPatternLibary
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- One of the QueueBasedLoadLevelingPattern applications, this is a library containing a service that talks to Azure Storage
- QueueBasedLoadLevelingPatternService
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- One of the QueueBasedLoadLevelingPattern applications, this is the application that picks up messages from the Azure queue and processes them
- The pattern is implemented in
- Program.cs
- QueueBasedLoadLevelingPatternWebJob
- An Azure WebJob project
- One of the QueueBasedLoadLevelingPattern applications, this is the application that picks up messages from the Azure queue and processes them, showing a trigger that is triggered by new messages on the queue
- The pattern is implemented in
- Functions.cs
- RetryPattern
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- StorageService.cs
- RuntimeReconfigurationPattern
- ASP.NET Core MVC 1.1 Web Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- Startup.cs class
- HomeController.cs
- ShardingPattern
- .NET 4.5.2 Console Application
- This is a sample application that can also be found at https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowsapps/Elastic-Scale-with-Azure-a80d8dc6
- ValetKeyPattern
- ASP.NET Core MVC 1.1 Web Application
- The pattern is implemented in
- AzureStorage/CORSConfigurator.cs
- Controllers/SasController.cs
- Views/Upload.cshtml
All of the projects can be run independently.
The QueueBasedLoadLevelingPattern projects make no sense can be run independently, but serve little purpose doing so. Please watch the Queue-based loadleveling pattern module for more information.
Step 1
Make sure that you have the following:
- Visual Studio 2017
- Azure subscription (Try for free)
- Azure SDK, if you didn't indicate it it the Visual Studio 2017 setup
Step 2
Download a copy of the code and build it. Select the example that you want to run and set it as the startup project.
Running the AutomaticScalingPattern project
To run the AutomaticScalingPattern project, you need to create a Service Principal in Azure. Find out here to to create one: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal. Insert the ClientId, ClientSecret (AAD application token) and AAD TenantId into the Authenticate method in program.cs
Running the CacheAsidePattern project
To run the CacheAsidePattern project, you need an Azure Redis Cache. Once you've created one, you need to put the Redis Cache connectionstring in the APp.Config file.
Running the EventSourcingPattern project
To run the EventSourcingPattern project, you need a SQL Server. This can be a SQL Server Local DB, SQL Server Express, other SQL Server versions on-premises or in the cloud. Put the SQL Server connectionstring in the App.config file.
Running the QueueBasedLoadLevelingPattern projects
To run these projects, you need to indicate an Azure Storage account where in which a queue will be created. When you have an Azure Storage Account, you need to put the connectionstring for the storage account in the App.config files of the following projects:
- QueueBasedLoadLevelingPatternApplication
- QueueBasedLoadLevelingPatternService
- QueueBasedLoadLevelingPatternWebJob
The connectionstring should look like this: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=saspluralsight;AccountKey=WCxWWe1q6w0EHByo+==;"
Running the RetryPattern project
To run the RetryPattern project, you need an Azure Storage account. Find out more here. When you have one, you need to put the connectionstring for the storage account in the App.config file.
The connectionstring should look like this: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=saspluralsight;AccountKey=WCxWWe1q6w0EHByo+==;"
Running the ShardingPattern project
To run the EventSourcingPattern project, you need an Azure SQL Server. In the App.config file:
- ServerName: Put in the servername (YOURSQLSERVERNAME.database.windows.net)
- UserName: SQL Server user username (user should be able to create and delete databases)
- Password: SQL Server user password
Running the ValetKeyPattern project
To run the ValetKeyPattern project, you need an Azure Storage account. Find out more here. When you have one, you need to put the connectionstring for the storage account in either the appsettings.json or appsettings.development.json file, in the AzureStorageConnection setting.
The connectionstring should look like this: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=saspluralsight;AccountKey=WCxWWe1q6w0EHByo+==;"