- Clone or download from https://github.com/bmango/uhcwsurvey.git into the webserver folder
- Create an empty MySQL database and import the database import file (seperate from this repository)
- Copy the file sites/default/default.settings.php to sites/default/settings.php
- Edit lines 225 to 232 and enter in the database information and then uncomment them.
- The site should now be up.
- You can login at domain.com/user - login details will have been sent seperately
- For the 4 different survey modalities you should use the following urls:
- ?survey=web - (web)
- ?survey=kiosk - (kiosk)
- ?survey=mobile - (smartphone)
- ?survey=paper - (paper)
- If you do not use one of the links above the website will show an error message
- If you get a 500 Internal Server Error, check the permissions on the root index.php file. They should be 604.
- For other errors check the root .htaccess file, on line 115. You may need to comment this line out or change the path to a subfolder if you have Drupal installed in a subfolder. Also, check the permissions on sites/default/settings.php which should be 404.
- This application has been checked to work with php 5.6 but not with other versions which may cause problems.