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Releases: bmw-software-engineering/lobster

Release 0.9.21

17 Dec 09:08
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  • lobster-codebeamer now supports query string along with query ID, query string (cbQL) can be passed
    as a command line argument to --import-query for the tool lobster-codebeamer.

  • lobster-html-report has the following updates.

    • Filter items by status (Ok, Missing, Partial, Warning, Justified)
    • Hide/Unhide Issues.
    • Search in issues and detailed report.
  • Add support to view version for lobster tools for following tools:

    • lobster-ci-report
    • lobster-codebeamer
    • lobster-cpp
    • lobster-cpptest
    • lobster-gtest
    • lobster-html-report
    • lobster-json
    • lobster-online-report
    • lobster-python
    • lobster-report
    • lobster-trlc

Release 0.9.20

05 Dec 08:13
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  • Add --compile-commands flag to lobster-cpp. This allows to specify a path to the
    compile command database and is effectively a wrapper around the -p argument of
    clang tidy. See the official documentation of clang tidy for more details on this

  • lobster-cpptest writes absolute paths into its *.lobster output files instead of
    paths relative to the current working directory.

  • If a *.lobster file contains a tag more than once, then an error message
    ("duplicated definition") is printed for each consecutive entry with the same tag,
    instead of printing it just for the first entry.
    The following tools are affected:

    • lobster-codebeamer
    • lobster-report
  • lobster-gtest accepts XML nodes other than testcase, but ignores them.

Release 0.9.19

11 Nov 09:10
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  • lobster-trlc requires TRLC version 2.0.0.

  • Fixed bug in lobster-python where the tag for functions was constructed by using
    only the class name, not the function name. Now both the class name and function name
    are included in the tag.

  • Add support to lobster-codebeamer to generate output using the following schemas:

    • requirement
    • implementation
    • activity
      The user can select the schema with a command line flag,
      or through the configuration file.
  • Fixes packaging of bmw-lobster.

Release 0.9.18

22 Oct 09:24
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  • Added a new tool lobster-cpptest which can extract references
    from C++ unit tests using various regex patterns.
    The references must be provided in a format similar to Doxygen comments.

  • The lobster-codebeamer tool now uses an authentication token.
    Token can be added either in the config file or as an argument.

  • The lobster-python tool adds the counter logic to the function
    identifier. This improves the situations where different functions have
    the same name. Line numbers are no longer used in the identifier.

  • The lobster-codebeamer tool now supports refs as an upstream reference

  • The lobster-online-report tool now works with config files located in
    main- and submodules of a repository. This feature needs git 1.7.8 or higher.

  • The lobster-codebeamer tool now allows items without summary

  • The lobster-codebeamer tool now uses codebeamer api v3.
    Please note that the api v3 returns the value "Unset" for a codebeamer
    item status if the status is actually empty. The api v1 did not return
    any value at all for an item with a missing status. This means that the
    resulting lobster file will now contain "Unset" as status information,
    too, instead of Null.

  • The lobster-html-report tool now supports argument --high-contrast to use
    a color palette with a higher contrast for easier visualization.

Release 0.9.17

02 Aug 08:00
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  • The lobster-python tool now adds the line number to the function identifier. This supports situations where different functions have the same name.

  • The lobster-json tool now adds the filename to the test identifier. This allows to have multiple json elements with the same name in different source files.

  • The lobster-html-report tool now supports argument --dot to specify the path to the graphviz dot utility instead of expecting it in PATH

  • The lobster-online-report tool now supports argument --out to specify the output file instead of editing the input report

  • Adds "with kind" and "with prefix" functionality in lobster.conf files

Release 0.9.16

24 Oct 08:20
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  • Fix infinite loop in lobster-json on Windows when given absolute

  • The lobster-python tool now also supports decorators with . in
    their name.

  • The lobster-python tool now adds any tags on the test class to all
    tests in that class (in --activity mode only).

  • The lobster-python tool now supports lists of tags in decorators.

Release 0.9.15

20 Oct 13:42
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  • The lobster-html-report tool now respects line-breaks in item

  • The lobster-python tool now also includes the module name if you
    trace to a class, similar to how the module name is included if you
    trace to a function or method.

  • Improve error reporting of lobster-codebeamer, you should get way
    fewer raw exceptions and instead more helpful messages.

  • Add two new parameters to lobster-codebeamer if your codebeamer
    instance is painfully slow: --timeout to increase the timeout for
    each REST query and --query-size to limit how many items are
    attempted to be fetched at once.

  • Add support for codebeamer items without a summary. They are now named
    something like "Unnamed item 12345". These items will show up as
    problematic in the tracing report.

Release 0.9.14

28 Sep 11:28
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  • The lobster-codebeamer tool has a new option --ignore-ssl-errors
    which can be used to ignore certificate validation errors.

Release 0.9.13

28 Sep 08:55
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  • The lobster-json can now deal with singleton tests (i.e. in places
    where a list of tests is expected, a single test object is now also

Release 0.9.12

04 Aug 13:09
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  • The lobster-trlc tool now includes the TRLC package in the
    requirement's name.

  • Rewrote the lobster-json tool to be more robust.

    • The lobster-json tool now uses a new, intended to be common,
      interface for building lobster tools. These tools can now process
      files in parallel, and also allow you to specify a file containing
      a line-separated list of files to consider (if you can't specify
      all the files you want to look at on the command-line).
    • The lobster-json tool can now process json files where the
      outermost item is an object.
    • Removed --include-path-in-name flag as it is now the default for
    • Removed --item-kind flag (we always generate activities now).