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Airy Beam Data Stream

migob edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 1 revision

July 18, 2017: Mock Streams With Airy Beam

Jose Miguel Bautista

1 - Introduction

In this post, I run the simulation code with the CRIME maps using the idealized Airy Disk beam to plot the waterfall plots of temperature(mK) against frequency(MHz) and time (h) for various fields. I then take an arbitrary time slice and subtract a degree-3 polynomial fit to obtain the residual of each slice. This is done for a fully illuminated dish, which has a frequency-independent beam, as well as a frequency-dependent beam.

2 - Frequency-Independent Beam Plots

This is the default configuration of the current build: the beam is idealized as an Airy disk, and the dish is fully illuminated at 800 MHz, which is (the lowest plotted frequency). The basic output of the code is the waterfall plot on the right of each figure. We then select the data in one specific time column and plot the temperature as a function of frequency, with a degree-3 polyomial fit (top left). The data is then subtracted from the fit to obtain the residual values (bottom left).

Cosmological Galactic Synchrotron Galactic free-free Extra-galactic free-free Point-sources

3 - Frequency-Dependent Beam Plots

The script has a built-in frequency cutoff for the beam, such that DoverLam defaults to a maximum value if the input frequency exceeds a certain value, nu_f, which is 800 MHz by default. To make the beam frequency dependent, I simply changed nu_f to be 2000 MHz.

Cosmological Galactic Synchrotron Galactic free-free Extra-galactic free-free Point Sources

4 - Follow-up Work

This must be redone with a more realistic beam and possibly regenerated CRIME maps, as one of the .fits files for galactic synchrotron is corrupted (omitted in the plots).