This repository consists of my own common dotfiles for a couple of configurations/programs. It is meant to be used in combination with GNU Stow in order to quickly roll some common configurations onto different machines/environments
In order to pull:
$ # From $HOME
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
To update/retrieve submodules:
$ # From $HOME/dotfiles
$ git submodule update --init --recursive --remote
$ # Note --remote means you get the most up to date upstream
$ # Potentially not whats actually in *this* repo
To install stow:
The preferred method is to use your systems package manager to install stow.
If, for whatever reason, that isn't possible, the the
will install stow entirely in userspace. Eg:
$ # From $HOME/dotfiles
$ ./
Back up/delete any conflicts, if a system has files in place already.
The stow dry run command will produce errors if files would conflict:
$ # From the dotfiles dir
$ for x in */; do stow -n $x; done
Stow makes symlinking everything easy:
$ # From the dotfiles dir
$ for x in */; do stow $x; done
To reload any changes to the dotfiles repo
$ # From the dotfiles dir
$ for x in */; do stow -R $x; done
Software gotchas
- The xinit assumes thunar, redshift, and nm-applet are installed. If they're not it shouldn't break anything. It also assumes the use of i3.
- The awesome rc.lua uses my own pyunch utility as a launcher. There's a line for dmenu right above it. Swap which line is commented (and install dmenu) to use it instead.