This based on BIO-DAMNED project (fork me here) to prepare biological data banks to be ready to use by bioinformatics tools. It is based on ansible. It is able to download a bank or genome, uncompress it if necessary, and create indexes for a panel of bioinformatics tools like blast+, golden, bowtie2, bwa, .... The system can be easily extended to new kind of indexes or sources of data.
- Ansible >=
- and bioinformatics tools needed to creates indexes
- makeblastdb
- goldin
- bowtie2
- bwa
- ...
- module
The automaton support the indexation with several concurrent version of each tools. Todo that the automaton rely on the Environment Modules Project.
The playbook give you an overview of all banks you have configured.
Each role is matched to a bank. In a role we assign a predefined workflow
given the kind of data.
The workflows are designed in roles/<name of role>/tasks/main.yml
Two parameters must be set for each role:
- bank_src: the url where the bank/genome can be downloaded
- bank_name: the final name you want to give to this bank/genome A tag is also associated with each role to allow you to rebuild only one bank/genome, and of course you can add tags to rebuild a set of banks.
(genome is formed of one sequence, bank is a set of sequences) The workflows are designed with roles but lot of steps are common between workflows. These common steps are found in the common_tasks directory and are included in the workflows (AKA roles).
The general configuration is done in Invetory/group_vars/all file
- bank_user: <user who managed banks>
- bank_group: <group who managed banks>
- bank_root: <the absolute path where to store all banks>
- module_init: <path to module initialization>
- indexers: <list of tools used for indexing with their respective versions see doc>
- indexers is a list of tool each tool is a hash containing 2 keys
- tool: the name of the tool
- vers: the list of versions supported
for instance
indexers: - tool: blast2 vers: - 2.2.26 - tool: blast+ vers: - 2.2.31 - tool: golden vers: - 3.0 - tool: bwa vers: - 0.5.9 - 0.6.2 - 0.7.4
All bank are located in <bank_root> and have the following structure
<bank_root> |------>distbanks |------>fasta |------>index | |-> <tool> : : |-> <version> : : : : |------> uncompressed : |-> <tool> : :
In distbanks
are stored the results of downloading, if an upgrade of a bank is needed
do not forget to remove the old file from distbanks
. If this step is skipped
the bank will not be download and the file in distbanks
will be used.
In Fasta there are symbolic links to all specific banks formatted in fasta.
In Index each indexer have a subdirectory in each tool subdirectory there are one directory per tool version. And at least in each version directory there are all symbolic link towards all databanks or genome indexed with this /.
and for each bank or genome there is a directory containing the indexes for this bank for each tools and version.
<bank_root> |------>distbanks |------<fasta |------>index | |-> blast+ | |-> 2.2.31 | | |-> golden | |-> 3.0 | |-> m_tuberculosis -> <bank_root>/m_tuberculosis/golden/3.0/tuberculosis_CDC1551.acx | : | | |-> bowtie | |-> 0.12.7 | |-> bwa : : |-> 0.5.9 : : |-> 0.6.2 : : : : |------>m_tuberculosis |-> uncompressed | |-> m_tuberculosi.gbk | |-> golden |-> 3.0 |-> tuberculosis_CDC1551.acx :
Prepare the file tree for the bank and indexes.
Create the file tree for this bank
- create the directory for this bank.
- create the subdirectory
- check if data (basename of src_bank) is in the
directory, if not then download it. - copy the bank in
directory corresponding to this bank.
It will uncompress data if necessary and rename files according to bank_name defined in role.
You need to pass an extra parameter to this task. The extension
if you work with fasta file
or gbk
if you work with genbank files. For instance:
- include: common_tasks/get_data.yml ext=fa
Create link in the general fasta directory to the fasta file in the fasta directory of the bank.
- clean the blast2 index links in the general directory
- remove the blast2 indexes
- then compute new indexes
- and creates new links
do the same thing as blast2 but use makeblastdb
instead of formatdb
to index
The diagrams of the workflows used to prepare the bank/genome are below.
- The ellipse box mean this step is in common_tasks, then it can used in different workflows. The description of this step is done in upper paragraph "Provided tasks"
- the square box mean this step is directly coded in the workflow, then it is specific to this workflow.