A multiplayer game in which an uninformed majority tries to outwit an informed minority.
Golang: https://golang.org/doc/install
GTK3 binding for GO: https://github.com/gotk3/gotk3
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/matf-pp/2021_Mafia
Position to the folder you cloned. To build the client position in the client directory and run:
go build
To build the server position in the server directory and run:
go build
To run the server position in the server directory and run:
To run the client position in the client directory and run:
To list the game's commands type /help into the bottom text box. With those you can join and leave rooms, see all available rooms and list all the players in the current room.
- Aleksandar Stefanovic
- Matija Lojovic
- Nikola Subotic