Script to place fields from title block and user fields onto PCB
- Easily place text on F_SilkS or F_Cu layers
- User fields can be placed in a special UserTitleBlock component
- Insert any field from the schematic title block, filename, today's date or user title block fields
- Place text on any layer
- Generate Code39 and Code128 barcodes from text fields
- text fields on the PCB can be moved to any position or layer, the text size changed, and the changes will be preserved.
Placing text fields on copper layers is officially deprecated as it is not handled by the push and shove router or DRC. It is recommended to place keep out zones around text fields.
- copy the libraries to a suitable folder and add them to your project
- copy the KiAutoText sub-folder containing the python files to a path accessible from KiCad e.g.
- Windows:
- Unix:
- Windows:
- NB always save any changed files in KiCad before running the script
- In pcbnew, whenever you need to update the PCB fields, select Tools->External Plugins...->KiAutoText: Auto fill fields
UserTitleBlock User fields in UserTitleBlock are added to list of substitution
text_F_SilkS the Value field is placed on F_SilkS layer
(similar to %F.SilkS:text)
text_F_Cu the Value field is placed on F_Cu layer
(similar to %F.Cu:text)
text_auto_date the Value field is replaced with today's date and placed on
(similar to %F.SilkS:%DT)
text_auto the Value field is used as a formatting string. Macro keys are
substituted as follows.
Standard keys:
%F the file base name
%DT today's date
The following are read from the title block of the corresponding
schematic file:
%T Project title
%R Revision
%D Issue Date
%Y Company
%C0 Comment 1
%C1 Comment 2
%C2 Comment 3
%C3 Comment 4
Additional substitutions are made according to user defined
fields from component "UserTitleBlock" if it exists.
If the Value field has a prefix "%layer:", where layer is a layer
name in the current PCB (e.g. "F.Cu") then the text will be placed
on that layer.
The Value field is used to create a Code39 barcode. Invalid
characters are stripped out, and guard characters added to start
and end.
The Value field is used to create a Code128 barcode.