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ToDo's List Demo App This app will be setup on Rails 3.1.1 and use sqlite3 for the db. My system is running Ruby 1.9.2. 1. If using RVM create a new gemset $ rvm use 1.9.2@todo --create 2. Install rails in gemset. $ gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdoc 3. $ rails new todo 4. Create .rvmrc file in project directory rvm use 1.9.2@todo 5. cd into project directory $ cd todo 6. Start the rails server $ rails s If you see the rails welcome page your app works! It does nothing but it works! 7. open your text editor $ mate . 8. Lets look at the guts of a rails app -App -Assets +images +javascripts +stylesheets -Controllers -Helpers -Mailers -Models -Views -Config +routes.rb -DB +this is where your migrations will be generated -Gemfile + This is where you add gems to the project -Gemfile.lock + When you run bundle this is where all the gems and version numbers get added in to -Public -no longer holds the assets -index.html (the rails welcome page) -test (the default test unit files) 9. Time to load up the Gemfile gem 'kaminari' group :development do gem 'nifty-generators' gem 'rspec-rails' end group :test do gem 'rspec' gem 'mocha' end 10. Bundle the gems $ bundle 11. install rspec $ rails g rspec:install In spec_helper.rb change Mock Framework to mocha 12. Start git $ git init If you like git flow also run $ git flow init 13. Time to create our todo's $ rails g scaffold task item:string description:text $ rake db:migrate $ rails s go to localhost:3000/tasks 14. Make task#index the root view in routes.rb uncomment root :to Change 'welcome#index' to 'tasks#index' Remove public/index.html restart the server if necessary $ rails s go to localhost:/3000 and you should see the items index page 15. Use nifty-generators to create basic layout $ rails g nifty:layout In application.html.erb change javascript_include_tag to :application Rename /public/stylesheets/application.css to nifty.css Move nifty.css to app/assest/stylesheets Remove some extra stuff in the views/layouts/application.html.erb Give the <title> a title remove title helper from <body> Reload the page & you should have a nice looking page on a blue background 16. Add add priority to tasks $ rails g migration add_priority_to_tasks priority:integer Look at migration and see rails magic $ rake db:migrate Add priority fields to views/tasks/_form.html.erb <div class="field"> <%= f.label :priority %><br /> <%= f.text_field :priority %> </div> Add priority to views/tasks/show.html.erb In views/tasks.index.html.erb change description to priority make task.item a link to show = link_to task.item, task remove show link 17. Scaffold generates a bunch of tests on it's own. You probably want to get rid of them. Lets add some tests of our own First prepare the test db $ rake db:test:prepare spec/models/task_spec.rb require 'spec_helper' describe Task do before(:each) do @attr = { :item => "test task", :description => "test description", :priority => 10 } end it "should create a new task given valid attributes" do Task.create!(@attr) end describe "task validations" do it "should require an item" do Task.new(@attr.merge(:item =>"")) should_not be_valid end it "should require a priority" do Task.new(@attr.merge(:priority =>"")) should_not be_valid end end end The task validations test we just added should fail. we will make them pass in the next step $ rspec spec/models 18. Validate that the item & priority are not blank models/task.rb validates_presence_of :item, :priority rspec should pass 19. Seeding the db db/seeds.rb 1.upto(25) do |x| Task.create(item: "Task #{x}", description: "Description #{x}", priority: x) end 19. Making the default sort priority models/task.rb default_scope :order => 'tasks.priority DESC' 20. Adding pagination with kaminari tasks_controller.rb def index @tasks = Task.order.page(params[:page]) end tasks/index.html.haml above the table add = paginate @tasks Changing the number of items being shown def index @tasks = Task.order.page(params[:page]).per(10) end
The todo demonstation rails app
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