VSP Stats Game Log Processor - Quake 3 ExcessivePlus Community version 0.45-xp-1.1.2, based on the VSP Stats Processor 0.45 by Myrddin.
Supports only Quake III Arena!
Get more information about the ExcessivePlus Community version at goquake.com.
To run the provided Docker Compose stack, follow the instructions at https://hub.docker.com/r/evilru/quake3-vsp-stats.
Follow the setup proceduere described in readme.txt.
- PHP 7.4.16
- MySQL 8.0.23 / MariaDB 10.5.9
vsp stats processor - vsp(c) 2004-2005 by myrddin(myrddin8 <AT> gmail <DOT> com)
vsp stats processor is a multi game - log analyzer/stats generator/log parser.
It can process log files from several games including Quake 3 Arena (q3a),
Halflife 1, 2, Counter Strike Source (hl), Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (wet),
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (rtcw), Call Of Duty, COD: United Offensive (cod),
Medal of Honor Allied Assault, MOHAA: Spearhead, MOHAA: BreakThrough (moh),
Soldier of Fortune 2 (sof2), etc. It reads the log files generated by a game
and displays various game statistics. vsp also supports both server logs (ex:-
games.log for Q3A) and client logs (ex:- qconsole.log for Q3A).
For more details I suggest to take a look at the readme files:
vsp 0.45:
Lead Programming/Design : myrddin (myrddin8 <AT> gmail <DOT> com)
Programming : react
Hosting : gouki
Website : http://www.clanavl.com/vsp/
Irc : #vsp on irc.enterthegame.com
xp 1.0:
WaspBeast - http://forums.excessiveplus.net/profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=13161