This repo contains my neovim, fish and tmux dot files dotfiles
Last backup : 14th Feb 2024
Vscode in mac - Use the below extension to use windows keybindings on vscode mac
Tmux Config - Pre-requisites: Needs Tmux and Oh my Tmux. The tmux conf is based on the ph my tmux project - Installation: cp tmux.conf.local ~/.tmux.conf.local Restart tmux or source in the current session: tmux source-file ~/.tmux.conf.local
Fish config - Pre-requisites: Needs Fish shell, fzf Installation: cp -r fish ~/.config/fish
Nvim config - Installation: cp -r nvim ~/.config/nvim
Sept-4-2022 :
- Moved all the .vimrc.common keybindings to init.vim
- added some additional keybindings under {Toggleterm, Telescope, space-tab-nl markers, rnu, ans so-on. Just enter and lookput for which key suggestions}
Jan-24-2024 : nvim : - added ufo plugin that handles vscode like folds - fixed auto complete when pressing enter in vim-cmp - tmux - clipboard fixes. Resurrecting some old configs and disable C-a as prefix2 Jan-25-2024 : Karabiner : - Karabiner elements config added to the repo. This config excludes all the vnc tools and terminal emulators like kitty, iterm2 etc. - Updated the mac "finder" to use the default keymapings - Added commented_sections.json that holds all the don't use keymappings. This in a separate file becsuse the json config doesn't accept comments.
Feb-09-2024 : Clipboard management : - The x11 clipboard xclip in kitty fails for unknown reason. Kitty offers clipboard in 'kitten clipboard' application and I wanted to switch the clipboard to 'kitten clipboard' if the x11 xclip fails. - The testing of the clipboard is buggy that if kills the x11 xclip if it already worked fine. Butchers the x11 forwarding entirely. - Set the default x11 server to be x11 in kitty settings "linux_display_server X11" - The code is not complete and needs some testing and corrections. The "kitten clipboard" check fails
Mar-18-2024 : tmux: - Added mac's config to the repo - Added yabai and skhd dotfiles
Future Plans : Mar-18-2024 : - Needed to merge the linux and mac's config together. Planning to get a simple config for the final release