- host bolt cards
- web admin
- low resource use
- Phoenix Server
- SQLite database
- docker deployment
- provision an m.1s VPS on lunanode using the
Debian 12 64-bit
($3.50 per month, LunaNode accept bitcoin and are lighting enabled for payments) - log in to the machine using SSH (Linux) or Putty (Windows)
- install docker
- enable managing docker as a non root user
- initialise the system as below
- enter
and set up an A record pointing to the VPS
docker volume create phoenix_data
docker volume create caddy_data
docker volume create caddy_config
docker volume create card_data
git clone https://github.com/boltcard/hub
cd hub
- for a full local build from source and start with phoenix
docker compose --profile phoenix build
docker compose --profile phoenix up
- for development, it may be useful to start without phoenix for faster development iteration
docker compose down
docker compose build
docker compose up
- wait for a few minutes for the TLS certificate to be installed
- access the admin web interface at https://domain-name/admin/ to set a password and login
docker compose --profile phoenix up -d
docker compose logs -f
sudo cat /var/lib/docker/volumes/hub_phoenix_data/_data/seed.dat ; echo
sudo apt install sqlite3
sudo sqlite3 /var/lib/docker/volumes/hub_card_data/_data/cards.db
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> .schema settings
sqlite> select * from settings;
sqlite> update settings set value='' where name='admin_password_hash';
sqlite> .quit
sudo rm /var/lib/docker/volumes/hub_card_data/_data/cards.db
docker container ps
docker exec -it ContainerId sh
df -h
docker system df
docker system prune