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boludoz committed Jun 7, 2022
1 parent 3034273 commit 317329d
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Showing 50 changed files with 157 additions and 107 deletions.
61 changes: 53 additions & 8 deletions COCBot/GUI/MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,11 +56,11 @@ Global $g_hChkClanGamesBBBattle = 0
Global $g_hChkClanGamesBBDes = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBDes = 0, $g_hGUI_CGBBDes = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBDesSet = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBDesRemove = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBDesClose = 0, $g_sTxtCGBBDes
Global $g_hChkClanGamesBBTroops = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBTroop = 0, $g_hGUI_CGBBTroops = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBTroopsSet = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBTroopsRemove = 0, $g_hBtnCGBBTroopsClose = 0, $g_sTxtCGBBTroop
Global $g_hChkForceBBAttackOnClanGames = 0, $g_hChkClanGamesPurgeAny = 0, $g_hChkOnlyBuilderBaseGC = 0
For $h = $g_hChkClanGamesLoot To $g_hChkClanGamesStopBeforeReachAndPurge
GUICtrlSetState($h, $GUI_DISABLE)

Global $g_lblCapitalGold = 0, $g_lblCapitalMedal = 0, $g_hCmbForgeBuilder = 0, $g_hChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC = 0, $g_hChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore = 0
Global $g_hChkEnableCollectCCGold = 0, $g_hChkEnableForgeGold = 0, $g_hChkEnableForgeElix = 0, $g_hChkEnableForgeDE = 0, $g_hChkEnableForgeBBGold = 0, $g_hChkEnableForgeBBElix = 0

Func CreateVillageMisc()
$g_hGUI_MISC = _GUICreate("", $g_iSizeWGrpTab2, $g_iSizeHGrpTab2, 5, 25, ($WS_CHILD + $WS_TABSTOP), -1, $g_hGUI_VILLAGE)

Expand All @@ -85,10 +85,10 @@ Func CreateVillageMisc()
; #Region - Team AiO MOD++
$g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM2 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR Main GUI", "MISC_TAB_ITEM3", "Clan Games"))
$g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR Main GUI", "MISC_TAB_ITEM_MISC", "Misc."))
$g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM3 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR Main GUI", "MISC_TAB_ITEM4", "Clan Capital"))
$g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM4 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR Main GUI", "MISC_TAB_ITEM_MISC_", "Misc"))
; CreateMiscMagicSubTab()

; #ce
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -824,3 +824,48 @@ Func CreateClanGamesBBTroops()
GUICtrlCreateButton(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "Unmark_All", "Un/mark"), Round($iMid / 2 - 42.5) + 25 + 62, $y - 5 + 35, 62, 25)
GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1, "MarkUnMarkChallenges")
EndFunc ;==>CreateClanGamesBBTroops

Func CreateClanCapitalTab()
Local $x = 15, $y = 40
GUICtrlCreateGroup(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "Group_ClanCapital", "Stats"), $x - 10, $y - 15, $g_iSizeWGrpTab3 - 3, 70)
_GUICtrlCreateIcon($g_sLibIconPath, $eIcnCapitalGold, $x, $y, 24, 24)
$g_lblCapitalGold = GUICtrlCreateLabel("---", $x + 35, $y + 5, 100, -1)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_BOLD, Default, "Arial", $CLEARTYPE_QUALITY)

_GUICtrlCreateIcon($g_sLibIconPath, $eIcnCapitalMedal, $x + 140, $y, 24, 24)
$g_lblCapitalMedal = GUICtrlCreateLabel("---", $x + 175, $y + 5, 100, -1)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, $FW_BOLD, Default, "Arial", $CLEARTYPE_QUALITY)
$y += 30
$g_hChkEnableCollectCCGold = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "CollectCCGold", "Collect Clan Capital Gold"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)

$y += 45
GUICtrlCreateGroup(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "Group_ClanCapital", "Forge/Craft Gold"), $x - 10, $y - 15, $g_iSizeWGrpTab3 - 3, 88)
$g_hChkEnableForgeGold = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "EnableCCGoldForgeGold", "Use Gold"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
$y += 20
$g_hChkEnableForgeElix = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "EnableCCGoldForgeElix", "Use Elixir"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
$x += 100
$y -= 20
$g_hChkEnableForgeDE = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "EnableCCGoldForgeDE", "Use Dark Elixir"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
$y += 20
$g_hChkEnableForgeBBGold = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "EnableCCGoldForgeBBGold", "Use BuilderBase Gold"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
$x += 140
$y -= 20
$g_hChkEnableForgeBBElix = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "EnableCCGoldForgeBBElix", "Use BuilderBase Elixir"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
$x = 15
$y += 48
GUICtrlCreateLabel(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "LblForgeUseBuilder", "Use "), $x, $y + 2, 45, 17)
$g_hCmbForgeBuilder = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", $x + 23, $y, 40, 18, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "1|2|3|4", "1")
_GUICtrlSetTip(-1, GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "InputForgeUseBuilder", "Put How many builder to use to Forge"))
GUICtrlCreateLabel(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "LblForgeBuilder", "Builder for Forge"), $x + 65, $y + 2, 100, 17)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)

$y += 47
GUICtrlCreateGroup(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "Group_ClanCapital", "Auto Upgrade Clan Capital"), $x - 10, $y - 15, $g_iSizeWGrpTab3 - 3, 65)
$g_hChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "ChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC", "Enable"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
$y += 20
$g_hChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox(GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "ChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore", "Ignore Decoration Building"), $x, $y, -1, -1)
_GUICtrlSetTip(-1, GetTranslatedFileIni("MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc", "Info_ChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore", "Enable Ignore Upgrade for Groove, Tree, Forest, Campsite"))
GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)
80 changes: 0 additions & 80 deletions COCBot/GUI/MBR GUI Design Child Village - Misc.au3.rej

This file was deleted.

3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions COCBot/MBR GUI Control Variables.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -205,8 +205,7 @@ Func InitializeControlVariables()

; Groups of controls
Dim $aTabControlsMisc = [$g_hGUI_MISC_TAB, $g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM1, $g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM2, $g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM3]
; Dim $aTabControlsMisc = [$g_hGUI_MISC_TAB, $g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM1, $g_hGUI_MISC_TAB_ITEM2] - Team AIO Mod++
Dim $aTabControlsNotify = [$g_hGUI_NOTIFY_TAB, $g_hGUI_NOTIFY_TAB_ITEM2, $g_hGUI_NOTIFY_TAB_ITEM3] ; Discord - Team AIO Mod++
Expand Down
10 changes: 0 additions & 10 deletions COCBot/MBR GUI Control Variables.au3.rej

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion COCBot/MBR GUI Control.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2215,7 +2215,7 @@ Func Bind_ImageList($nCtrl, ByRef $hImageList)
Local $aIconIndex = [$eIcnBarrack, $eIcnSpellFactory, $eIcnSiegePets, $eIcnGem, $eIcnOptions] ; Custom train - Team AIO Mod++

Local $aIconIndex = [$eIcnTH1, $eIcnStrongMan, $eIcnOptions];, $eIcnPowerPotion] ; BBase - Team AIO Mod++
Local $aIconIndex = [$eIcnTH1, $eIcnStrongMan, $eIcnClanCapital, $eIcnOptions];, $eIcnPowerPotion] ; BBase - Team AIO Mod++

; the icons for donate tab
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions COCBot/functions/Config/ImageDirectories.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,20 @@ Global Const $g_sImgLabResearch = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Research\Laboratory\"
Global Const $g_sImgLabZero = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Research\LabZero\"

#Region Clan Capital
Global $g_sImgClanCapitalTutorial = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\Tutorial\"
Global $g_sImgCCMap = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\"
Global $g_sImgCCMenuTriangle = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\MenuTriangle\"
Global $g_sImgAirShip = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\AirShip\"
Global $g_sImgLock = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\Lock\"
Global $g_sImgCCGoldCollect = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\CCGold\Collect\"
Global $g_sImgCCGoldCraft = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\CCGold\Craft\"
Global $g_sImgActiveForge = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\CCGold\ActiveForge\"
Global $g_sImgForgeHouse = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\ForgeHouse\"
Global $g_sImgResourceCC = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\BuilderMenu\"
Global $g_sImgCCUpgradeButton = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\Resources\ClanCapital\CCMap\UpgradeButton\"

#Region Boost Super Troops
Global $g_sImgBoostTroopsBarrel = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\SuperTroops\Barrel\"
Global $g_sImgBoostTroopsIcons = @ScriptDir & "\imgxml\SuperTroops\Troops\"
Expand Down
22 changes: 22 additions & 0 deletions COCBot/functions/Config/applyConfig.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -444,6 +444,17 @@ Func ApplyConfig_600_6($TypeReadSave)
GUICtrlSetBkColor($g_hBtnBBDropOrder, $COLOR_GREEN)

GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkEnableCollectCCGold, $g_bChkEnableCollectCCGold ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkEnableForgeGold, $g_bChkEnableForgeGold ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkEnableForgeElix, $g_bChkEnableForgeElix ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkEnableForgeDE, $g_bChkEnableForgeDE ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkEnableForgeBBGold, $g_bChkEnableForgeBBGold ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkEnableForgeBBElix, $g_bChkEnableForgeBBElix ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)
_GUICtrlComboBox_SetCurSel($g_hCmbForgeBuilder, $g_iCmbForgeBuilder)
GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC, $g_bChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)
GUICtrlSetState($g_hChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore, $g_bChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore ? $GUI_CHECKED : $GUI_UNCHECKED)

Case "Save"
$g_bChkBotStop = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkBotStop) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_iCmbBotCommand = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel($g_hCmbBotCommand)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -541,6 +552,17 @@ Func ApplyConfig_600_6($TypeReadSave)
$g_bRadioBBUpgradesToIgnore = (GUICtrlRead($g_hRadioBBUpgradesToIgnore) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_bRadioBBCustomOTTO = (GUICtrlRead($g_hRadioBBCustomOTTO) = $GUI_CHECKED)
#EndRegion - Custom Improve - Team AIO Mod++

$g_bChkEnableCollectCCGold = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkEnableCollectCCGold) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_bChkEnableForgeGold = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkEnableForgeGold) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_bChkEnableForgeElix = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkEnableForgeElix) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_bChkEnableForgeDE = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkEnableForgeDE) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_bChkEnableForgeBBGold = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkEnableForgeBBGold) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_bChkEnableForgeBBElix = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkEnableForgeBBElix) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_iCmbForgeBuilder = _GUICtrlComboBox_GetCurSel($g_hCmbForgeBuilder)
$g_bChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC) = $GUI_CHECKED)
$g_bChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore = (GUICtrlRead($g_hChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore) = $GUI_CHECKED)

EndFunc ;==>ApplyConfig_600_6
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions COCBot/functions/Config/readConfig.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -548,6 +548,16 @@ Func ReadConfig_600_6()
#EndRegion - Custom BB Army - Team AIO Mod++

;Clan Capital
IniReadS($g_bChkEnableCollectCCGold, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ChkCollectCCGold", False, "Bool")
IniReadS($g_bChkEnableForgeGold, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeGold", False, "Bool")
IniReadS($g_bChkEnableForgeElix, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeElix", False, "Bool")
IniReadS($g_bChkEnableForgeDE, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeDE", False, "Bool")
IniReadS($g_bChkEnableForgeBBGold, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeBBGold", False, "Bool")
IniReadS($g_bChkEnableForgeBBElix, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeBBElix", False, "Bool")
IniReadS($g_iCmbForgeBuilder, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ForgeUseBuilder", 1, "int")
IniReadS($g_bChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "AutoUpgradeCC", False, "Bool")
IniReadS($g_bChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore, $g_sProfileConfigPath, "ClanCapital", "ChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore", False, "Bool")
EndFunc ;==>ReadConfig_600_6

Func ReadConfig_600_9()
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions COCBot/functions/Config/saveConfig.au3
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -504,6 +504,17 @@ Func SaveConfig_600_6()
#EndRegion - Custom BB Army - Team AIO Mod++

;Clan Capital
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ChkCollectCCGold", $g_bChkEnableCollectCCGold)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeGold", $g_bChkEnableForgeGold)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeElix", $g_bChkEnableForgeElix)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeDE", $g_bChkEnableForgeDE)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeBBGold", $g_bChkEnableForgeBBGold)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ChkEnableForgeBBElix", $g_bChkEnableForgeBBElix)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ForgeUseBuilder", $g_iCmbForgeBuilder)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "AutoUpgradeCC", $g_bChkEnableAutoUpgradeCC)
_Ini_Add("ClanCapital", "ChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore", $g_bChkAutoUpgradeCCIgnore)

EndFunc ;==>SaveConfig_600_6

Func SaveConfig_600_9()
Expand Down
Binary file modified Languages/Spanish.ini
Binary file not shown.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion ModChangelog
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,12 @@

Do everything you project.

Based on v7.9.7
Based on v7.9.8
v6.2.0 - Date: 6/6/2022
- Updated to v7.9.8.
- Improved village zoomout.
- Changed resolution.

v6.1.2 - Date: 11/5/2022
- Enabled magic items
- Fixed zoomout
Expand Down

0 comments on commit 317329d

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