This library includes components for angular.
This library uses the following tools / libraries:
- @fortawesome/angular-fontawesome
- @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons
- @ngx-translate/core
The components are fully translatable but the configuration needs to be done by your own in you application or libray:
import * as en from './i18n/en.json';
export class AppModule {
constructor(translate: TranslateService) {
translate.setTranslation('en', en, true);
The example could be find in the repository.
In the template of your components you can add the following
<bpa-table [columnConfig]="config"
[columns]="['name', 'level', 'type', 'health', 'birthday']"
The only inputs needed are columns
and dataset
Sorting is enabled by default but it can be disabled by setting sortable
to false.
If you listen to the delete
event, the corresponding action icon is automatically added to th columns.
If you listen to the edit
event, the corresponding action icon is automatically added to th columns.
The column configuration can be used for custom columns:
readonly config: { [key: string]: ColumnConfig } = {
'birthday': { type: ColumnType.Date },
'type': { type: ColumnType.Enum, args: MyEnum },
The input needs to be a date and will be formatted probably
This configuration can be used if a property of the data is an enum type. The tables generates are translate key automatically, so you can use the translate config file to give the enum value a term.
You need to configure the terms of pagination or you implement your own implementation of MatPaginatorIntl
"bpa": {
"components": {
"table": {
"items-per-page": "Einträge pro Seite",
"page": "Seite {{ page }} von {{ amountPages }}",
"next-page": "Nächste Seite",
"last-page": "Letzte Seite",
"first-page": "Erste Seite",
"previous-page": "Vorherige Seite"
As the signal outputs in angular do not have a possibility to check for observers, you need set it update manually using the actions
The library includes a component to display content of the wysiwyg editor of strapi.
There is a single entry point for the strap called @bolzplatzarena/components/strapi
. Everything is standalone no module needs to be imported.
### Support
The library is in experimental state and is not recommended for production use because it does not support all types of the strapi content.
The component supports the following types:
- paragraph
- simple text
- bold
- italic
- underline
- hyperlink
- headlines 1 - 6
- list
- unordered
- ordered
- quote
- code (no syntax highlighting)
- image (url, width, height, alt)
### How to use it
Normally the data comes from the api and is a property of the control using the wysiwyg editor.
Example data:
protected readonly strapiContent: RootNode[] = [{ type: 'paragraph', children: [{type: 'text', text: 'Hello World!'}, {type: 'text', text: 'This is a test.'}] }, { type: 'paragraph', children: [{type: 'text', text: 'Hello World!'}, {type: 'text', text: 'This is a test.'}] }];
Example template:
<bpa-strapi-content [content]="strapiContent">