The project was developed in PHP using best practices, design patterns, methodology TDD and PSR standards.
Technology stack: PHP 7.4, Xdebug 2.9, GraphQL, MySql 8.0, Doctrine, Docker, Nginx.
To install the project you need to clone the files from the repository. And in the root directory of the project, run the following commands:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose run --rm php-cli composer install
cat db/dump.sql | docker exec -i PROJECT_FOLDER_mysql_1 /usr/bin/mysql -u root --password=root book_manager
sudo chmod -R 777 var
docker-compose run --rm php-cli composer test
PROJECT_FOLDER - this is the root directory of the project. The default is book-manager.
After installing and configuring the project, the database will be filled with a set of test data.
http://localhost:8080/graphql - URL for query execution.