This python script will detect png files in your textures folder and add it to the game by:
- Adding the required lines to your item class to register.
- Add to the language.
- Add the model json.
It will ask you for the properties you want to add and also name in game to the item.
- add a way to save profiles so you can add multiple items at once or at least faster
- add more options for the items so you can customize them further
- add a way to add blocks
#VERY FAR AWAY TO DO LIST: add the ability to add armor add the ability to add food add the ability to add entities add the ability to add biomes add the ability to add dimensions add the ability to add structures add the ability to add recipes add the ability to add advancements add the ability to add loot tables add the ability to add sounds add the ability to add particles add the ability to add enchantments add the ability to add potions add the ability to add villager trades add the ability to add custom world generation