Hello, I am Bonaventure Dossou. This is the official repository of my Master's Thesis at Jacobs University Bremen
DeepSNPs: Deep Learning for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Disease Classification based on Chromosome Location
- GWAS Catalog
- DisGeNET
- CTCF Binding Sites
- Overall Workflow Picture
Models's weights could be accessed here
- Training Loss (Accuracy): 0.1947 (0.9016)
- Validation Loss (Accuracy): 1.5455 (0.7151)
- Testing Loss (Accuracy): 0.1963 (0.9036)
- AUC ROC: 0.8733
Classification Report
- Confusion Matrix
- AUC ROC Curve
- Features Importance with correct predictions
- Features Importance with wrong predictions