Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the interface depending on their device's screen size
- See hover and focus states for all interactive elements on the page
- Live Site URL: Workit Landing Page
- Custom CSS properties
- Mobile-first approach
- Bootstrap
Completing this project taught me the importance and efficiency of a mobile-first approach. I started with a desk-top first approach and found it tedious to go back and re-adjust elements for smaller screen sizes versus starting with mobile designs and building up.
I would adopt and implement this layout for a my pet project's landing page
Bootstrap Docs - Reading through the Bootstrap documentation when I got stuck really helped me learn more about responsive layouts, specifically how to utilize their rows and columns, so I didn't have to rely on vanilla CSS for flexbox and grid.
[MDN Web Docs]- Reminder on how to use emantic tags like h1-h6, nav, header, sections, and footer
-Builty by Bonclairvoyante