Force-directed graph generator for Volatility visualizations
- Requires Python 3, GraphViz, and Volatility
- v1.5.4 (01 Mar 2019)
- added apihooks, connscan support (for pre-Vista network connections)
- fixed an issue where red malfind nodes could be converted back to orange
- re-enabled showing the first few malfind bytes
- v1.5.3 (15 Oct 2018)
- added cmdline support, fixed this description
- v1.5.2 (09 Oct 2018)
- totally re-written for Python 3
- absolutely requires JSON input from Volatility
- supports Volatility's netscan module
- no longer requires pslist; everything will be blue if you don't include it though
- is a quick-and-dirty way to automate the JSON and graph-making process (see below under Usage)
- fixed a bug where PIDs wouldn't display properly on nodes
Supports visualizing JSON output from the following Volatility modules (note - this is NOT a Volatility plugin!)
pslist, psscan, envars, malfind, netscan (Vista+), connscan (XP/2k3), cmdline, apihooks
- the module name MUST be somewhere in the input filename
- collect memory --> run Volatility modules specifying JSON output --> send module output through
- blue lines and cyan nodes mean the relationship was found in psscan, but not pslist (future: psxview usage)
- yellow nodes mean that process was found in apihooks as having one module that hooked another
- orange nodes mean the process was in malfind, without MZ
- red nodes mean the process was in malfind, with MZ (4d5a)
- Colorization is purely based on what's found in psscan, apihooks, and malfind outputs
Add these switches: --output=json [module] --output-file=[module]-[youroutputname].json
- Basic with only pslist pslist.json
- With supported inputs: pslist.json envars.json psscan.json ...
- Glob input: *.json
- Easy mode, use the provided Bash script with a memory capture and a Volatility profile to generate all of the necessary files: somefile.dmp profile
- dedup code, better classes, subgrouping, modules
- add psxview support