Tired apps with good graphics and sound? Expirence nostalgie about good old days with pixelated games and 8-bit sound? Just tired good life and wanna try something new?
You can do it with almost any app:
Assumed what you do it on linux machine and you advanced linux user.
You will need in your system:
- for generating new keyjarsigner
- for signing APKzip
- for unpacking/repacking APKzipalign
- optional, get it from Android SDKffmpeg
- for repacking sound (must be compiled with MP3 support)convert
- tool from package ImageMagickoptipng
- convert and optimize PNG images
All this tools was in my system, so I used them. You can freely modify script to use other tools.
Download APK via any service like apk-dl, evozi downloader or use apps like Raccoon.
You can also extract APK from your device:
# adb shell pm list packages | grep someapp
# adb shell pm path com.somecompany.someapp
# adb pull /data/app/com.somecompany.someapp-1.apk
3806 KB/s (5538818 bytes in 1.421s)
Save shit.sh to EMPTY directory and then just type:
bash shit.sh your_apk_file.apk
Thats all!
WARNING: don't use it inside directory with other files!
If in your APP have some sensive data (opened levels and top scores), you will lost all data during uninstall. So, PLEASE DO BACKUP now.
# adb uninstall com.somecompany.someapp
Result will be saved in shit_oldfague.apk, so install it
# adb install shit_oldfague.apk
4073 KB/s (5457196 bytes in 1.308s)
pkg: /data/local/tmp/shit_oldfague.apk
And now enjoy new game!
Don't redistribute pached apps. This code provided only in educational purpose. And other bla-bla-bla goes here.