Releases: borti4938/n64adv2_pcb
Releases · borti4938/n64adv2_pcb
Main v20231119 and Flex v20231105
- Main:
- Remove some prototyping jumper
- Use 2.5V compatible clock sources for 50MHz and 24.576MHz and remove 3.3V to 2.5V clock gate (U7)
- Some component relabeling
- Move SPDIF output pad next to input pads
- Flex:
- Use of buffer for controller input is now mandatory (bypass jumper removed)
- Move components from controller and reset arms to main part of flex PCB for easier installation
- Backup pads for broken controller and reset arms
Main v20220729(d) and Flex v20220903
fixed edge cuts on main
- now it fits also into N64 cases with slightly thicker material
- outline should also have a bit of margin to allow a PCB service with relative thin cutting tool
Initial public release (do not download)
It was a loooooooong journey!
There is an error in the edge cuts layer. I will fix it and create a new release!