This is the accompanying code for ResNet After All? Neural ODEs and Their Numerical Solution. The experiments based on this library are fully supported to run on single/multiple gpus. By default, the device is set to cpu. All our experiments where run on a single GPU.
This software is a research prototype, solely developed for and published as part of the publication cited above. It will neither be maintained nor monitored in any way.
- Python 3.7 or above
- Packages are listed in requirements.txt
Here we list the resources for the specific data sets:
Concentric Sphere: Will be automatically generated when running the code, see the data/sphere_dataset_generation directory.
By running the model automatically runs the Concentric Sphere 2D model with step size 1.0.
The results (loss, train/test-accuracy ...) can be found in /experiments/neural_ode/
by default.
The default number of iterations is set to 3000 iterations (for our experiments on Sphere2 we
used 10 000 iterations) but this allows one to quickly generate first results on a CPU.
Options can be changed via the command line. For example using Euler's method and a step size of 0.1:
python --solver euler --step_size 0.1
For more information type
python --help
All default values are listed in options/default_config.yaml.
To use GPU set
python --use_gpu true
To use the adjoint method as introduced by [2] (Source: [1]), use
python --adjoint true
To apply the step adaptation algorithm proposed in the paper, use
python --use_step_adaption_algo true
In general all parameters which need to be specified are given in the supplementary material to the paper.
In all our experiments we used 5 different seed which can also be set via the command line random_seed
Here we present the commands to run experiments for a single seed.
To generate the data shown in red in Figure 4 a) (corresponding to a training step size of 1/64), run:
python --dataset concentric_sphere2 --solver euler --step_size 0.015625 --lr 0.0001 --network simple_odenet --ch_residual_block 32 --batch_size 128 --niter 10000 --evaluate_text_acc true --evaluate_with_different_solver true --test_solver_list euler midpoint rk4 --test_factor_list 0.5 0.75 1. 1.5 2.
All other data points can be generated by changing the step_size
For Figure 4 b) the parameters solver
and test_solver_list
have to be changed accordingly.
To generate the data shown in orange in Figure 4 d) (corresponding to a training tolerance of 0.001), run:
python --dataset cifar10 --solver dopri5 --tol 0.001 --lr 0.0001 --network odenet --ch_residual_block 128 --batch_size 256 --niter 7800 --evaluate_text_acc true --evaluate_with_different_solver true --test_solver_list dopri5 --test_factor_list 0.1 1. 10.
All other data points can be generated by changing the tol
To train the neural ode model with the step adaptation algorithm on CIFAR10 as shown in Figure 5, run:
python --dataset cifar10 --solver euler --lr 0.0001 --network odenet --ch_residual_block 128 --batch_size 256 --niter 7800 --evaluate_text_acc true --use_step_adaptation true
[1] torchdiffeq
[2] Ricky T. Q. Chen, Yulia Rubanova, Jesse Bettencourt, David Duvenaud. "Neural Ordinary Differential Equations." Advances in Neural Processing Information Systems. 2018. [arxiv]
Numerics-Independent-Neural-ODEs is open-sourced under the AGPL-3.0 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
For a list of other open source components included in Numerics-Independent-Neural-ODEs, see the file 3rd-party-licenses.txt.