Library for Low Frequencies
LiLF is a set of functions linked together in pipelines for the reduction of low-frequency interferometric data in radio astronomy. It is built upon LOFAR software. LiLF can be used on both LOFAR and uGMRT data.
- ~/.stagingrc >> with the login and pass for LTA archive
- ~/.surveys >> with the pass for the surveydb
working_dir: dir path [./] # working directory
fix_table: bool [True] # fix bug in some old observations
renameavg: bool [True]
flag_elev: bool [True] # flag anything below 30 deg elevation
keep_IS: bool [False] # keep international stations
data_dir: dir path [../cals-bkp/]
demix_model: skaydb file [/home/fdg/scripts/model/demix_all.skydb]
imaging: bool [False] # perform test imaging of the calibrator data
skymodel: skydb file ["LiLF_dir"/models/calib-simple.skydb']
data_dir: dir path [../cals-bkp/]
data_dir: dir path [../tgts-bkp/]
cal_dir: dir path [../cals/]
ngroups: int [1] # number of frequency groups to create
initc: int [0] # init number for time chunk numbering
maxIter: int [2] # iterations
minCalFlux60: float [1.5] # apparent flux [Jy] at 60 MHz to be considered a calibrator
removeExtendedCutoff: float [0.0001] # remove extended sources from possible DD-calibrator list
maxniter: int [10]