A tool for sharing your terminal tmux session with others across the interwebs
Useful for pair programming with terminal based editors (vim/emacs)
2 parts
- server for sharing webrtc session descriptions (instance hosted on heroku)
- client for hosting/joining a session
based on work by https://github.com/maxmcd/webtty and https://github.com/nwtgck/go-piping-server
Should probably work within a WSL2 terminal on Windows 10 also
brew install tmux bottlerocketlabs/apps/pair
Download pair
binaries from releases and put on path, you need to also install tmux
for your platform (apt-get etc)
- client host must be started in a tmux session
- client guest must not be started in a tmux session
Start by hosting a session within tmux:
# host
$ pair
Share this command with your guest:
pair http://<some url>
Invite a guest by quickly supplying the command output above
# guest
$ pair http://<url from host>
Optionally setup a simple (insecure) local testing server and use it:
$ pair-server-simple -v &
$ pair -v -sdp http://localhost
Setup local testing server with mkcert:
mkcert -install
mkdir -p certs
cd certs
mkcert localhost.dev
mkcert localhost
mkcert <someotherdomain>
cd ..
# append ' localhost.dev <someotherdomain>' to /etc/hosts file
pair-server -v -domain localhost.dev
Run server in production with acme:
# ensure chosen domain is registered and can access public server on ports 80 and 443
mkdir -p certs
pair-server -v -domain <chosen-domain>
- add more tests
- run tmux and host pair within a development docker container to restrict access