This repo contains the raw data and analyses presented in:
Brian P. Schmidt, Alexandra E. Boehm, William S. Tuten, Austin Roorda. Spatial summation of individual cones in human color vision'
All analyses were conducted in the R programming language. Html versions of the analysis scripts are linked below. The files ending in .Rmd
are the source code R notebook files. Scripts should be run in the order they are numbered.
01_Process-Data.nb.html takes the raw data in all_trial_data.csv and does some light filtering and sanity checking. The output of this script is filtered_data.csv.
02_Analyze-Data.nb.html contains the analyzes that are described in the manuscript.
Download and install Rstudio.
Install dependencies: tidyverse, ggthemes, gridExtra, corrplot and car. From the R console:
install.packages(c("tidyverse", "ggthemes", "gridExtra", "corrplot", "car"))
- Clone this repo:
git clone