This directory contains TensorFlow source code for learning embeddings of text sequences in an unsupervised manner. This is a preliminary implementation with more changes (and documentation) forthcoming.
Code authors: Bhuwan Dhingra, Chris Shallue
Pull requests and issues: @bdhingra, @cshallue
This code is backed by the open-source TensorFlow implementation of the
Skip-Thought vectors model availabel
here. Hence,
the first step is to download that repository and copy the relevant
directory to this repository.
cp -r "${TENSORFLOW_MODELS_DIR}/skip_thoughts/skip_thoughts/" .
Follow the instructions in ${TENSORFLOW_MODELS_DIR}/skip_thoughts/
and ensure that all the source files from that repository are working properly.
The skip_thoughts_dist directory contains training and validation scripts which can be used to run the TensorFlow Skip Thoughts model in a distributed setting. These can be used in the following manner:
bazel build -c opt //skip_thoughts_dist:train
bazel-bin/skip_thoughts_dist/train \
--input_file_pattern <tfrecord_files> \
--nosync_replicas \
--train_dir <path_to_save_models>
Run the validation script for tracking perplexity in a separate process. You may
want to pass the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=''
flag to avoid using the GPU for this
bazel build -c opt //skip_thoughts_dist:track_perplexity
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='' bazel-bin/skip_thoughts_dist/track_perplexity \
--input_file_pattern <tfrecord_files> \
--checkpoint_dir <path_with_saved_models> \
--eval_dir <directory_to_log_eval_summaries>
Word Context models decode each word in a specified window around the source sentence separately as opposed to the full sequence decoder in the original SkipThoughts model. There are several different options on the particular design of the encoder; see the configuration file for details.
In particular, setting decode_strategy = "conditional"
and logit_metric = "hyperbolic"
will train hyperbolic sentence embeddings.
Training and validation scripts can be run in exactly the same manner as for distributed SkipThoughts above.
bazel build -c opt //word_context:train
bazel-bin/word_context/train \
--input_file_pattern <tfrecord_files> \
--nosync_replicas \
--train_dir <path_to_save_models>
bazel build -c opt //word_context:track_perplexity
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='' bazel-bin/word_context/track_perplexity \
--input_file_pattern <tfrecord_files> \
--checkpoint_dir <path_with_saved_models> \
--eval_dir <directory_to_log_eval_summaries>
Once a word context model is trained, it can be evaluated as a feature extractor
on downstream tasks. In addition to the tasks described in the SkipThoughts
paper, we also provide code to evaluate on NLI tasks. See the
readme file in the nli
directory for details on how this
To run an evaluation on a trained Word Context model (including expanding the vocabulary as described in the SkipThoughts paper):
bazel build -c opt //word_context:evaluate_trec
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='' bazel-bin/word_context/evaluate_trec \
--checkpoint_dir <path_to_trained_model> \
--skip_thought_vocab_file <path_to_training_vocabulary_file> \
--word2vec_embedding_file <path_to_word2vec embeddings> \
--word2vec_vocab_file <path_to_word2vec_vocabulary> \
--eval_tasks CR,MR,SUBJ,MPQA,MultiNLI,SNLI \
--data_dir <path_to_skipthoughts_eval_data> \
--multinli_dir <path_to_multinli_data> \
--nouse_norm \
--nouse_eos \
--nli_eval_method mlp \
--nli_eval_dir <path_to_store_NLI_eval_checkpoints>
This is not an official Google product.