- overview : https://martin-thoma.com/lasagne-for-python-newbies/
- auto-encoder using lasagne overview : https://swarbrickjones.wordpress.com/2015/04/29/convolutional-autoencoders-in-pythontheanolasagne/
- example code of auto-encoder : https://github.com/mikesj-public/convolutional_autoencoder/blob/master/mnist_conv_autoencode.py
- toolbox keras for designing recurrent nn : http://keras.io/
Follow directives in INSTALL.md
To run an example of CNN+RNN including barotropic currents: lasagne/combo_test_uv.py
To run an example of CNN, see: lasagne/script_test.py
An example of a simple RNN, see: lasagne/recurrent_test.py
An example of CNN + RNN, see: lasagne/combo_test.py
Understanding: Understanding LSTMs
Example: Time-series prediction