A simple ip based rate limiting plugin for Hapi using Redis.
##Installation npm install hapi-ratelimit
In the Hapi init code:
var Hapi = require('hapi');
var hratelimit = require('hapi-ratelimit');
var server = Hapi.createServer();
var rateOpts = {
redis:{port:#redis-port#, host:#redis-host#},
namespace:"clhr", //namespace for redis keys
global: {limit: 200, duration: 60 } //Set limit to -1 or leave out global to disable global limit
//The global limit is not given priority over local limits
method: 'GET',
path: '/someImportantRoute',
handler: someHandler,
configs: {
plugins: {
"hapi-ratelimit": {limit: 100, duration: 60} //limits to one hundred hits per minute on a specific route
options: rateOpts,
plugin: hratelimit
function(err) {