When writing a GraphQL schema with the Schema Definition Language, some flexibility, such as
adding a deprecationReason
to a field is lost. This package implements a custom directive
to make it possible to deprecate a field or enum. This is intended for use in Apollo Server that builds the schema with graphql-tools. See the Apollo graphql-tools docs for more information on schema directives.
npm install graphql-directive-deprecated
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
import { DeprecatedDirective } from 'graphql-directive-deprecated';
const typeDefs = `
directive @deprecated(
reason: String = "No longer supported"
type ExampleType {
newField: String
oldField: String @deprecated(reason: "Use newField.")
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({
schemaDirectives: {
deprecated: DeprecatedDirective