Redistribute a large data set into random subsets using one-sided MPI
Sampling is done without replacement by default. To sample with replacement compile with with -DSIMPLESAMPLING.
Redistribute A(N x M) to NGROUPS random subsets of size B(K x M)
A is distributed by rows to all MPI ranks B is distributed by rows (or optionally columns) among ranks in the group's communicator
Usage: ./memory-estimate Arows Acols Brows Bgroups
> ./memory-estimate 1500000 500000 1200000 5
Total A: 5.4570 TB
Total B: 21.8279 TB
Total data: 27.2848 TB
27.2848TB / 55GB / node = 496 Nodes
sbatch -N 512
Total A: 5.4570 TB
Total B: 21.8279 TB
Total: 27.2848 TB
A per rank: 465.66 MB
B per rank: 1.819 GB
Num procs: 12288
B groups: 5
A dimensions: (1500000, 500000)
B dimensions: (1200000, 500000)
Comm time: 15.223760 (s)