wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/branislavvukelic/scripts/master/hwlist.sh && chmod +x hwlist.sh && ./hwlist.sh --all
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/branislavvukelic/scripts/master/hwlist.ps1 -OutFile hwlist.ps1; .\hwlist.ps1
- Atomia Database
- "atomia" user need to have paswordless login on local machine eg. add to pg_hba.conf "local all atomia trust"
- script need to be executed on local machine
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/branislavvukelic/scripts/master/purge_database.sh && chmod +x purge_database.sh
There are three modes: Single user, List of users, All except 100000
To remove user 100002 execute::
$ ./purge_database.sh 100002
To remove users from the baduser.list file execute::
$ ./purge_database.sh --list baduser.list
To remove all except 100000 user execute::
$ ./purge_database.sh --all
- Atomia Database
- "atomia" user need to have paswordless login on local machine eg. add to pg_hba.conf "local all atomia trust"
- script need to be executed on local machine
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/branislavvukelic/scripts/master/purge_products.sh && chmod +x purge_products.sh
There are four modes: Single product, Products having specific string as part of article name, Pre-defined list of products, All products
To remove product with DMN-COM2 article number execute::
$ ./purge_products.sh DMN-COM2
To remove products which article number contains XSV- string execute::
$ ./purge_products.sh --mask XSV-
To remove products from the productstoremove.list file execute::
$ ./purge_products.sh --list productstoremove.list
To remove all products from the database execute::
$ ./purge_products.sh --all
- MongoDB replication setup
install mongodb on secondary nodes::
$ echo "deb [ arch=amd64 ] http://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu trusty/mongodb-org/3.4 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.4.list
$ apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 0C49F3730359A14518585931BC711F9BA15703C6
$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install -y mongodb-org
ensure you have proper dns records for all mongodb nodes by populating hosts
file eg.:: localhost mongo0
123.456.789.111 mongo0.domain.tld
123.456.789.222 mongo1.domain.tld
also make sure that hostname -f
resolves properly::
$ hostname mongo0.domain.tld
edit mongodb.conf and add section::
oplogSizeMB: 100
replSetName: rs0
restart mongodb with::
$ service mongod restart
initiate replication after login to primary mongodb node (mongo0)::
$ mongo
> rs.initiate()
> rs.add("mongo1.domain.tld")
ensure you have user with admin rights (you can create one with)::
> use admin
> db.createUser({user:"admin",pwd:"admin",roles:[{role:"root",db:"admin"}]});
create key for replication and copy created key to all replication nodes::
$ openssl rand -base64 756 > /etc/mongod.key
$ chown mongodb:mongodb /etc/mongod.key && chmod 400 /etc/mongod.key
edit mongodb.conf and add section::
keyFile: /etc/mongod.key
authorization: enabled
restart mongod service on all nodes::
$ service mongod restart
finally, check replication status after login to mongodb node::
$ mongo -u admin -p admin --authenticationDatabase admin
> rs.status()
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/branislavvukelic/scripts/master/ail.sh && chmod +x ail.sh
There are two functions: Backup and Restore
To create full backup of MongoDB database execute::
$ ./ail.sh --backup
To restore latest full backup of MongoDB database execute::
$ ./ail.sh --restore
If you want to restore the MongoDB backup from specific date/hour (lets say 2017-07-24 at 11h) execute::
$ ./ail.sh --restore 2017-07-24_11