This program contains input cards for MadGraph (more specifically, MadGraph5_aMC@NLO) and programs that use these cards to produce gridpacks for Monte Carlo production in CMSSW. For a more complete and update date gridpack generator that can use programs other than MadGraph, please refer to and for more in detail instructions and documentation, please refer to
These programs should be run on CERN's lxplus or Fermilab's lpc. Gridpacks must be created outside of CMSSW and without the cmsenv. For an example on how to use these gridpacks to produce root files, please see
To obtain these programs, simply clone this git repository
git clone
To generate a gridpack, first update permissions to run shell scripts
chmod u+x
Then, update to make sure all fifo pipes are directed to /tmp directory. Next, generate a gridpack using the desired data cards
./ <name of process card without _proc_card.dat> <folder containing cards relative to current location>
For example,
./ Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500 cards/Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500/
To submit jobs on lxplus and store them locally, use the
./ <memory> <queue for master job> <name of process card without _proc_card.dat> <folder containing cards relative to current location> <queue>
For example,
./ 15000 2nw Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500 cards/Radion_hh_WWWW_jets_narrow_M3500/ 8nh
When creating or editing data cards, make sure to create four cards with the name as your repository.
Make sure to less models needed in extra models if running beyond Standard Model. Number of events is listed listed in run_card.dat. When using the gridpacks DO NOT generate more events than what is listed in run_card.dat.