STAR PROTOCOLS 1799: A beginner’s guide to assembling a draft genome and analyzing structural variants with long-read sequencing technologies
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Tools for analyzing DNA/RNA sequencing data by examining k-mer counts. kat
helps evaluate the quality and completeness of genome assemblies by comparing k-mer profiles of the assembled genome to raw sequencing reads.
Core Functions:
: Generates a histogram of k-mer occurrences from a sequence file (fasta or fastq) or a pre-computed k-mer count file (jellyfish hash). This helps visualize the distribution of k-mers and identify any biases or anomalies in the data.gcp
: (K-mer GC Processor) Creates a matrix showing the number of k-mers with specific GC content and k-mer counts. Useful for assessing GC bias in the sequencing data.comp
: Compares k-mer profiles between two or three sequence files or hashes. This helps determine the similarity or dissimilarity between datasets, which is valuable in tasks like:- Assessing the quality of genome assemblies.
- Comparing different sequencing runs.
- Identifying contamination in the data.
: (SEquence Coverage Estimator Tool) Estimates the sequencing coverage of a genome by analyzing k-mer frequencies. This aids in understanding the depth and uniformity of sequencing.
Key Applications:
- Genome Assembly: kat helps evaluate the quality and completeness of genome assemblies by comparing k-mer profiles of the assembled genome to raw sequencing reads.
- RNA-Seq Analysis: Analyzing k-mer distributions in RNA-Seq data can reveal transcript abundance and alternative splicing events.
- Metagenomics: kat aids in characterizing the composition of microbial communities by comparing k-mer profiles of metagenomic samples.
- Error Detection and Correction: Unusual k-mer frequencies can indicate sequencing errors or biases, enabling their detection and potential correction.
Provides a powerful tool for de novo transcriptome assembly from RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) data. Essentially, it takes short RNA-Seq reads (typically from Illumina platforms) and reconstructs the full-length transcripts that were present in the original RNA sample.
Core Function: Transcriptome Assembly: Trinity uses a three-step process to assemble transcripts:
- Inchworm: Assembles the RNA-Seq reads into linear contigs by finding the most likely paths through the sequence data.
- Chrysalis: Clusters the contigs into groups representing potential transcripts and constructs a de Bruijn graph for each cluster.
- Butterfly: Processes the de Bruijn graphs to reconstruct full-length transcripts, resolving alternative splicing isoforms and paralogous genes.
Key Features:
- De Novo Assembly: Trinity excels at assembling transcriptomes without a reference genome, making it ideal for non-model organisms or when studying genes not present in existing annotations.
- Isoform Resolution: It can effectively identify and reconstruct different isoforms of the same gene, providing a more complete picture of gene expression.
- Handling Complexity: Trinity is designed to handle the complexities of RNA-Seq data, including alternative splicing, gene duplications, and varying expression levels.
- Modularity: Trinity incorporates various modules and algorithms for read normalization, quality control, and filtering, allowing for customization and optimization of the assembly process.
In genome assembly projects, Trinity-assembled transcripts can be used as long reads to scaffold contigs and fill gaps in the draft genome, improving its contiguity and completeness.
Function: Computes various statistics and metrics to assess the quality of a genome assembly.
Key Metrics: N50 (a measure of contig length), L50 (number of contigs needed to cover 50% of the genome), total assembly length, number of contigs, GC content, and more.
Purpose: Helps evaluate the completeness, contiguity, and potential errors in an assembly, aiding in comparisons between different assemblies or assembly methods.
Function: A modified version of awk (a pattern scanning and text processing language) specifically designed for bioinformatics data.
Key Features: Efficiently processes common bioinformatics file formats like FASTA, FASTQ, SAM, and VCF.
Purpose: Enables quick extraction, filtering, and manipulation of sequence data and annotations for downstream analyses.
Function: A de novo genome assembler primarily designed for long-read sequencing data (e.g., Oxford Nanopore, PacBio).
Key Features: Utilizes a unique assembly algorithm that focuses on finding overlaps between reads to construct the genome.
Purpose: Produces high-quality genome assemblies with long contigs, especially for complex genomes.
Function: Another de novo genome assembler optimized for long-read sequencing data.
Key Features: Employs a Celera Assembler-based approach to correct errors in long reads and assemble them into contigs.
Purpose: Generates accurate and contiguous genome assemblies, particularly effective for large and repetitive genomes.
Function: A de novo assembler specifically designed for high-fidelity (HiFi) long reads, such as those produced by PacBio HiFi sequencing.
Key Features: Leverages the high accuracy of HiFi reads to achieve highly contiguous and accurate assemblies with minimal error correction.
Purpose: Produces near-complete and highly accurate genome assemblies, often resulting in chromosome-level scaffolds.
The hisat2 Bioconda package provides a fast and sensitive alignment program for mapping next-generation sequencing (NGS) reads to a reference genome. It's particularly well-suited for RNA-Seq data, but can also be used with DNA sequencing data.
Core Function: Sequence Alignment: HISAT2 aligns short reads (typically from Illumina platforms) to a reference genome. It excels at handling spliced alignments, making it ideal for RNA-Seq data where reads may span across exon-exon junctions.
Key Features:
- Spliced Alignment: HISAT2 efficiently aligns reads derived from RNA, accounting for introns and exons.
- Speed and Sensitivity: It uses advanced algorithms and data structures (like the FM index and graph-based alignment) to achieve fast and accurate alignments, even with large genomes and complex datasets.
- Flexibility: HISAT2 can align reads to a single reference genome or a population of genomes (e.g., for variant calling).
- Compatibility: It supports various input formats (FASTQ, SAM, BAM) and outputs alignments in standard SAM/BAM format.
- Customization: HISAT2 offers a range of parameters to fine-tune the alignment process based on the specific characteristics of the data and research question.
BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologs) is a software package that assesses the completeness and quality of genome assemblies and annotations. It does this by searching for a set of highly conserved genes that are expected to be present in single copy in a given lineage.
Key Applications of BUSCO 5.2.2:
- Assessing Genome Assembly Quality: A high BUSCO score indicates a more complete and accurate genome assembly.
- Evaluating Annotation Completeness: BUSCO can identify missing or fragmented genes in an annotation, helping to improve gene prediction and annotation quality.
- Comparing Genomes: BUSCO scores can be used to compare the completeness of different genome assemblies or annotations, aiding in the selection of the best assembly for downstream analysis.
- Phylogenetic Analysis: BUSCO genes can be used for phylogenetic analysis, as they are conserved across a wide range of species.
RagTag is a powerful bioinformatics tool designed to improve the quality of genome assemblies. It focuses on scaffolding (ordering and orienting contigs) and correcting errors in draft genome assemblies.
Key Features:
- Fast and accurate: RagTag employs efficient algorithms to perform scaffolding and correction quickly and accurately.
- Flexible: It supports various input formats (FASTA, GFA, AGP) and can handle different types of reference data (genomes, maps).
- User-friendly: RagTag is relatively easy to use, with a command-line interface and clear documentation.
Function: Detects SVs from long-read sequencing data (e.g., PacBio, Oxford Nanopore).
Input: Aligned long reads in BAM format (preferably from minimap2).
SV types detected: Deletions, insertions, inversions, tandem duplications, interspersed duplications, and translocations.
Key features:
- Distinguishes between similar events (e.g., tandem vs. interspersed duplications).
- Estimates genotypes for some SV types.
- Sensitive and accurate for long-read data.
Function: Detects SVs from genome assemblies. It compares two assemblies (e.g., a new assembly to a reference genome) to identify differences.
Input: Aligned genome assemblies in BAM format (preferably from minimap2).
SV types detected: Deletions, insertions, inversions, tandem duplications, and interspersed duplications.
Key features:
- Designed for both haploid and diploid assemblies.
- Can genotype SVs in diploid assemblies.
- Fast and efficient for large genomes.
chmod +x
chmod +x
Install R packages "ggplot2", "dplyr", "cowplot" and run the script.
Rscript read-length-distribution.R
Calculate N50 statistics using assembly-stats
chmod +x
You can see the output of assembly-stats by typing “cat N50_stat” in your terminal
cat N50_stat
The following is the output of “cat N50_stat” command (result of assembly-stats)
stats for SRR11906525_WGS_of_drosophila_melanogaster_female_adult_subreads.fastq
sum = 12016661679, n = 1437524, ave = 8359.28, largest = 99345
N50 = 13094, n = 321336
N60 = 11342, n = 419876
N70 = 9489, n = 535376
N80 = 7388, n = 678061
N90 = 4902, n = 874814
N100 = 50, n = 1437524
N_count = 0
Gaps = 0
stats for SRR12473480_Drosophila_PacBio_HiFi_UltraLow_subreads.fastq
sum = 25600110705, n = 2301518, ave = 11123.14, largest = 26462
N50 = 11151, n = 976954
N60 = 10586, n = 1212627
N70 = 10055, n = 1460775
N80 = 9530, n = 1722273
N90 = 8996, n = 1998694
N100 = 369, n = 2301518
N_count = 0
Gaps = 0
stats for SRR13070625_Nanopore_sequencing_of_Drosophila_melanogaster_whole_adult_flies_pooled_male_and_female_1.fastq
sum = 7133020037, n = 640215, ave = 11141.60, largest = 417450
N50 = 21491, n = 83878
N60 = 16642, n = 121685
N70 = 12824, n = 170598
N80 = 9526, n = 235039
N90 = 6112, n = 327186
N100 = 1, n = 640215
N_count = 0
Gaps = 0
The estimated genome size of your species can be found in public databases:
Animal: Animal Genome Size Database (
Plant: Plant DNA C-values Database (
If you have short-read DNA sequencing data, the k-mer-based genome size estimation can be applied:
chmod +x
You can check the kat output by typing “cat genome_size.txt” in your terminal
cat genome_size.txt
Genome size can be estimated using the short-read DNA sequencing data
Estimated genome size: 166.18 Mbp
Estimated heterozygous rate: 0.41%
Critical: For an accurate estimation, high-quality transcriptome assembly is required.
Conduct de novo transcriptome assembly using Trinity (Grabherr et al., 2011)
chmod +x
You can assess the assembled quality of transcriptomes using assembly-stat
assembly-stats Dmel.trinity.Trinity.fasta
The following is the output of the “assembly-stats Dmel.trinity.Trinity.fasta” command (result of assembly-stats)
stats for Dmel.trinity.Trinity.fasta
sum = 72662995, n = 67038, ave = 1083.91, largest = 27780
N50 = 2454, n = 8357
N60 = 1816, n = 11781
N70 = 1180, n = 16695
N80 = 653, n = 25022
N90 = 364, n = 40185
N100 = 201, n = 67038
N_count = 0
Gaps = 0