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Octopress Sites
Rinc Liu edited this page Aug 18, 2013
732 revisions
Are you using Octopress? Add your site to the list so we can watch the community grow.
- Sweetmeat - Juicy lil' bytes
- Peter Boni - Trying to not take myself too seriously.
- Arcweb Technologies, LLC - Premier enterprise software development firm.
- Dominik Hadl - Blog of an iOS Game Developer (mostly bullsh*t)
- Rohit Agarwal's Notes - Notes on new (and old) technologies.
- Alex Yang - Alex's Octopress blog (custom theme)
- FanWenbin - iOS Developer
- Moparscape / MITB - RuneScape cheating/private server forum.
- Rushi Agrawal's blog-cum-shoutbox Computer technology in general. OpenStack in specific.
- Finite Post - Blog based on technology, design and code.
- Barry Sampson - Blog about technology supported learning.
- Let's9up - 你有你嗡,我有我 Up,Let’s9up 我們希望聚一班人 9 Share,9 Hea,9 Fing,9 睇野,9 寫。(Traditional Chinese)
- Zach Latta - Musings of a hacker.
- Rails on Maui - Programming RoR plus setup of Octopress with org-mode!
- Adrian Artiles - Blog on business and tech. Also an example use of the foxslide octopress theme.
- Ikram Uddin - Notions on Software Development and Technology.
- Hemanth.HM - Experiments on web, CLI, GNU/Linux and more
- Ashok Nair - Ashok Nair's blog
- Murphy Randle - Murphy Randle's blog
- Zombie Process - Emil Soman's blog
- Scientific Nerd - Computational Physics blog
- XguoX - XguoX's personal blog. 中文
- Jake Andersen - Jake Andersen's personal gitblog
- Code Beer Startups - Ruby on Rails and backbone js blog and other related tips and tricks.
- Never Stop Building - Jason Fox's technical blog and consulting home page.
- 非我 Nonego - MaYe's coding, living and discovering. 中文
- Swarm's Blog - Swarm's coding life
- Rollbar Blog - Company blog of Rollbar
- Corrupedia - Algo huele a podrido. Por la transparencia en la política
- Attaining Vision - Developer notebook of Daniel Alberto Cañas
- Bob Jiang Blog - Personal Blog focused on Agile and Scrum (Chinese version)
- Rick Cogley Central - Rick Cogley's bio, photos, portfolio and blog articles. Using a Twitter Bootstrap based theme with Adobe web fonts.
- Dennis Ideler - Personal blog, mainly software-related tips
- fedesvin - Personal blog about small hacks (In Danish)
- Marty Lavin - Personal blog about software, Ruby on Rails, Raspberry Pi and Meteor.
- yr - Personal blog of Yaser Alaraddadi
- Taylor Gibb - PowerShell, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Python, C, C++, C# and someday F#
- Jatin Ganhotra | blog - My Tech Blog on C++, Web Development
- - Thoughts on Ruby, Rails, RubyMotion, iOS, and Business Growth.
- Carl Mercier - Personal blog of @cmercier
- jamessann - Personal site of Melbourne digital designer & pop-culture aficionado
- mneorr | blog - iOS / Ruby developer's stories
- Parker Moore - Thoughts from a twenty-something web developer. Tech, politics.
- Moncef Belyamani - Coding, productivity, and Mac automation tutorials for beginners and beyond.
- - Blog about HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Web Design, Agile Development
- - (Personal Blog) Ruby, Javascript, development processes, Buddhism, paleo, weightlifting, and Coffee. Not necessarily in that order. xoxo @djbender
- LINUXMOZ - Linux System Admin Blog, HowTo Guides & Scripting
- Coding Praxis - Coding blog, mainly about search and Erlang.
- Nicinabox - Personal blog on beer and programming
- Coding and Me - A personal blog, :)
- Andres Marrugo Dot Net - Two octopress blogs in one domain (Spanish+English). A PhD student's personal blog and website (custom theme).
- - Rafael Fidelis personal blog :).
- Jeremy Morgan Dot Com - Blog about Programming, Web Development and SEO
- The Cloudy Sandbox - A blog about Cloud Computing and Hosting
- Bastards Book of Photography - A beginner's guide to manual photography
- Ruemic's Blog - Web Design & Front End Development Personal Blog
- Integrating Design - Coder blog, full stack web dev
- Life of a Geek - Personal blog of independant developer/geek, mostly about software tweaks on OSX, ruby, android.
- - Personal blog about my experience in development for Java Platform
- - Personal Blog about self-development and internet business
- - open source, unix, algorithms... geek stuff :)
- Fungible Clouds - web log using Octopress
- icodewithlizard - Personal blog
- Krafft Prinzmetal - Trying the Octopress and playing around.
- The Pug Automatic – Customized theme. Programming topics.
- halfss - blog life
- Bekir KARUL - Personal Blog (Linux, Security Etc)
- - A new site devoted to doing science with Perl
- Christian Mauceri - Personal blog on what I do on AWS and IOS
- Codigo Minerva - A defunct fictional tabloid about bizarre news, satirical opinions and a guest column by a serial killer. (Spanish language)
- Snupt's Blog - Personal blog about Apple, Photography, Games, Films and anything else. (Russian language)
- Eric Rafaloff - Personal blog about Ruby, Rails, tech, business, and anything else I think about.
- Geekbeing - Blog about technology, programming, recently - design. Mostly focused on Microsoft's stack and client-side.
- Tom Torsney-Weir - Personal blog along with details about my Visualization research
- Project Hydraulics - Blog about Project Hydraulics, a digital library workflow and request management tool developed by the University of Virginia Library.
- - Personal blog about hardware, OS X, iOS, BSD, Linux, and much more. Slightly customized theme.
- Keen on Art of Tech - Tiny - A personal blog about software development and Embedded development.
- Agis on Rails - A blog of a new Rails developer
- Dann Luciano - A lifelong student of the art of programming computers!
- Herminio Torres - Don't ever give up!
- The Author Alcove Blog - Tell us what authors you like and we'll let you know when they publish new books.
- thekindofme - thoughts, rants and writeups from a geeky soul
- OX Is Me! - oxcoder's blog,just like some new things.
- Anonymous Dragoon's Blog - A Chinese Octopress Blog ACG/*nix/Mac/WP7/G+
- Rodrigo Martins - Ruby Developer Blog, and passionate about technology. @rrmartins
- AnthonyJoseph - A blog of a hacker, maker, and entrepreneur.
- Tzeng Yuxio - A blog of a game developer lived in Taipei.
- duart - DUART- Design and Develop!
- Luoluo -Personal blog cs/life/note/math
- Nikolaj Raahauge - Personal blog w. music/vinyl/hifi/project mgt & software dev
- Lowstz Chen - Personal blog
- Kirk Patrick - (custom theme) Personal blog about behavior, development and startups.
- Abdullah Diaa - (custom theme) Personal blog about web and mobile development .
- Corey Smith - (custom theme) Personal blog, mostly nonsense and gibberish.
- Lokesh Dhakar - (custom theme) Personal blog about UI design and development.
- Ryan Deussing - (custom theme) personal blog
- cloudaice - personal blog about python django and c
- Rolinh - Personnal blog (in french, modified theme) / programing, linux stuff
- Walking Smarts - OSX/iOS Programming blog
- Zounds of Joes - Technical/Everything Else/Community blog
- Christian Oestreich - Grails, Groovy & Java blog
- Mario Visic - Rails / personal blog
- Brandon Mathis - (custom theme) - I passionately blog about design
- Stanislav Spiridonov - Personal/programming/drawing blog, English+Russian (slightly customized theme)
- Matt Harrison - Python, eBooks, emacs
- yagnesh raghava - personal blog/site boring stuff
- Nome do Jogo - Carlos Brando's blog
- Trucs de Dev - programming blog
- Duff OMelia
- The Rails Rumble Blog (custom theme)
- (custom theme) - blog in Lithuanian for budget tracking application
- Depth-First - Cheminformatics, Ruby/Rails, JavaScript
- SciRuby - The SciRuby Project: Tools for Scientific Computing in Ruby
- Telenet Networks
- Luke Armstrong
- Ranchao Zhang - Personal blog (Custom Theme)
- Richard Thai - Personal / programming blog
- Chris Sims - personal blog
- Nathan Williams - personal blog
- Kenny Meyer - personal blog
- Dan Higham - personal blog
- Frederic Cambus - personal blog
- Frederic Cambus - text mode artist
- Sam who? - personal blog
- Josh Comer - personal blog
- C0deMaver1ck - personal blog
- Zach Denton
- Steve Iannopollo
- Mark Nichols - mildly curated nerdy site
- Mark Nichols - web log about an adult learning to play the violoncello
- Ted Kulp - tech/photo blog
- Mark Szymanski - My personal blog about programming and anything else I want to write about
- 0x5f3759df - Specialised optimization blog. (Maintained by Chris Miller)
- Chuck Norris - Needs no explanation. (Slightly hacked up theme; it's a good example of how you can (ab)use Octopress' default styling to create attractive pages for small projects).
- Balint Erdi - personal tech blog
- Artem Dudarev - personal blog
- Marc's Blog - personal tech blog
- Linux Radio - An online radio broadcasting the Linux kernel!
- Yevgenko - blog by Yevgeniy A. Viktorov
- - A collection of funny coding stories.
- Yodiaditya Researcher - Build apps with Python, NodeJS, Ruby & many great tools!
- Connor Montgomery - (custom theme) blog by Connor Montgomery
- Practice Over Theory - mild theme and typographic changes.
- PolicyStat's Dev Blog - Company engineering blog, minor color tweaks
- In Defiance of Titles - Personal blog of Adam Jensen, web manager and jazz trombonist
- ./ and Principia Programmatica - Development blogs by Victor Jalencas, successfully migrated from Mephisto
- Jason Morrison - programming, startups, blahg.
- Franklin Chen - my blog about anything I want to share
- Physician Care Direct - Grassroots healthcare reform for physicians
- Physician Care Direct for Employers - Grassroots healthcare reform for employers
- The Chronologist - Software Business & Entrepreneurship
- Felipe Cypriano - Developer Blog
- Kieran Healy - Website and blog (the latter migrated from WordPress).
- - Personal blog of B Strand, who is learning Rails and related tech.
- Brandon E Mathis - Ruby, Apps, and shortbash/vim stuff that will make your life easier.
- Mel Riffe - personal blog about stuff
- James Gifford - personal bloggy thingy.
- Duling-dulingan - personal blog of a Pinoy layabout (Filipino)
- redbluemagenta - Technical blog by Christian Paredes.
- Algorithm Zoo - Capturing Markets with Code
- octoverbs - Personal Blog
- - Programming and Optimization Blog
- Aaron Malone - personal blog
- Das Nerdlabor - tech blog in german
- nerdrug - nerd stuff for nerdness addicted (in italian)
- - Personal Blog (German/ Deutsch)
- WebSymphony - Ruby, Rails, Javascript and Web Development in general.
- Kyle Hayes - Kyle Hayes' personal blog on tech, musings, and life
- Koolistov - Website with blog for iOS development company
- Karthik Hariharan - Thoughts on Software Development
- Louis Peng - ALU personal blog, hack and coffee (zh-tw)
- Mark - Personal Blog
- Portway Point - Sharing my solutions to problems
- Jake McCrary (somewhat custom theme) - software development, mainly Clojure
- Prasanna N - Personal Blog
- Paradox Designs (Completely custom theme) - Designer, dabbler, tinkerer, technocrat
- Kindle Pyre - Website following the successes and failures of the Kindle Fire.
- Bindiry's Blog - Personal Blog (China)
- Steve Tendon - My personal vanity page as a software "management consultant"... (After 13 years with a single "Some day, something will happen here" line, Octopress finally made me add some content to that domain. Thanks, Octopress!)
- Fancyoung's Blog (source) --- Personal Chinese Blog
- Kevin Ridgway - Personal Blog
- cafe.code - Brian Mathiyakom's personal blog
- shapeshed
- My Musings - (Custom Theme) Daniel Saewitz's Musings
- Rodrigo Flores's Corner
- Bigdinosaur Blog - Personal blog, with talk about Nginx and Ubuntu and things (including specifics about Octopress on Nginx)
- Alejandro Soto - Website with the blog as a news section. Customized the default theme to not look so 'blog-like'.
- John Costanzo - Custom Web Developments
- ZelluX - Tech Blog, in Chinese
- 125px - Personal blog, photography and computer stuff.
- DotNetSurfers - Personal Site, Blog.
- Neer Sighted - Development blog and Portfolio
- Alessandro Vermeulen - Development, Photography blog and CV.
- I am Agassi - personal blog
- Limbo Avenue - Personal Blog
- Tom Hoover - personal blog
- Uğur Özyılmazel - Personal and Development blog
- Ahmet AYGÜN - Blog
- Cihan Okyay - Personal Blog
- Octopress blog - Personal blog
- Davander Mobile Corporation - iOS app developer site
- gzruby - The Guangzhou Ruby User Group - blog for our ruby group
- Dilantha Redux - personal/tech blog
- Aron Cedercrantz - Personal blog (mostly development and design related) (custom theme)
- Nerdcode - coding blog
- ErikDaRed - Erik Nelson's personal blog
- Boguste Hameyie - Boguste Hameyie's personal blog
- the candler blog - A film theory and criticism (and other stuff) site by Jonathan Poritsky.
- Alessandro Melandri - Personal Blog
- Stellar Chariot - Arun Neelakandan's personal blog
- - Masato Igarashi's Personal/Tech Blog in Japanese
- Nathan Manzi does things with computers - Nathan Manzi's personal blog
- Mike Fowler - Development and Personal blog
- Taybin Rutkin - Engineering and Personal blog
- OJ Reeves - Software, development, tutorials and other tech stuff
- Δ - Bret Comnes's Bio and Blog
- hSATAC - hSATAC's Blog (Traditional Chinese)
- Moirae Software: - Software, development, F# and coding blog
- White Feather Astrology - my Astrology blog (blog colours based on solarized)
- joet3ch - code stuff
- JJAppCo - company blog
- - coding blog and articles
- Am Blog - Bloggings of a girl learning to code
- Vitor Pellegrino - Personal/Tech blog and other random geek stuff
- 帐前卒专栏 - Personal/Tech blog
- T.I.D - Technologies Inspire Design
- 論盡蛋 - Personal/Tech blog and sharing of my life ;)
- Paolo Perego - Application security, ruby, and funny stuff
- Prithvi Raj - Personal blog
- Ethan Turkeltaub - Personal blog
- Giuseppe Ragusa - Personal
- EmacsMovies - Emacs tutorial screencast blog.
- Scott W. Bradley - Personal/Tech/Code blog.
- David Jack Wange Olrik - Technology/Development/Entrepreneur/Personal blog.
- Matt Gemmell - Design, Development and User Experience articles (amongst other topics).
- Zachary Weston Lewis - Personal/Game Development/UI/UX/Flash/Scaleform
- Adventures in Front-End Development
- Toura Mulberry
- Abhinav - Personal (1 day old) blog
- Mike Keith - Ziggurat - iOS/OSX development
- The Joy of Hack - Technology, Photography, Fitness, and other stuff for people who like to make things.
- Derek Barber - Technology/Development/Personal Blog
- Franco Mariluis - Personal blog
- - Software development, news and politics
- Astralbodies' Blog - Ramblings of a geek; iOS/Java/Android development, other crap from my brain
- The Red Gem of Programming - Ruby Thoughts for Mortals (Unless otherwise denoted!)
- Preliminary Inventory of Digital Collections - Digital Libraries
- Ludicrous Software - Mobile software development
- Zespia - Personal blog (theme customized)
- Agirei - Blog about Agile, Ruby and Software Craftmanship
- Jim Pravetz - Technology/Development/Personal Blog
- Botanic Organic - Natural Skincare e-commerce site (and blog)
- Lucifr - Personal blog (in Chinese) reviewing mac softwares and other stuff. (theme customized)
- Газета «Шум» - Archive of a local russian webzine (customized a bit to add categories to the sidebar)
- P. F. Hawkins' Dot-Com - Personal blog, emphasis on writing and stories
- The Hiltmon - Software Design, Development, links to great articles and some odd rants.
- Fnord - Personal blog, a mixture of tech and commentary.
- Glide Note - Akira Maeda's Tech Blog in Japanese.CentOS,Scientific Linux. (theme customized)
- dch - Dave Cottlehuber's Musings, CouchDB, personal, open data
- Jerad Bitner - Personal blog
- Intridea East - Intridea East team blog, customized for multi-authors.
- Robert Kowalski - Personal coding blog. Language: German.
- [NerDitya] ( - Tech blog about Linux. Customized theme.
- jcftang - Jimmy Tang, Yet more random mutterings
- about:benjie - Personal coding blog
- Simon Bartlett - Personal coding blog
- Christopher D. Cera - Personal blog
- Solitr blog - Tech blog about HTML5/CoffeeScript development
- Dasroot - Full Stack development / sysadmin blog
- - Personal blog of @alblue
- Terse Systems - Personal blog
- - Personal blog of a CompSci student and would-be writer (custom theme, link log)
- Stirred Bits - Simone D'Amico's personal blog
- Hack & Mods - Sindhu Kurnia's lazy guide to void your warranty gracefully.
- Sound and Complete - Piotr Kaźmierczak's homepage and blog (customized theme).
- Almir 'm3nd3s' - Personal blog of @m3nd3s
- Jumplink Blog-Design,language and discoveries blog(French).
- Computer-Heimwerker Blog- Private technical Blog about Open Source and some octopress notices
- Stephanie H. Chang - Coding and product design blog. Octopress is awesome.
- jsjsjs - a javascript WTFs compilation
- Kiril Kirov - Personal blog about programming, photography and lifestyle
- DSIW - Technical blog of DSIW
- Frank's blog - Personal blog in Dutch. About little-company-no-vcmoney-management, servers, networking etc
- Luke Codes - Personal coding blog. Recently updated to use HTML5 pushState for internal links.
- - Personal blog in german. Contains my personal tidbits and the occasional tech post.
- shime the rubyist - devblog
- Matt Morris - Personal blog.
- Trevor Oakes - About becoming a better programmer, Software Engineering, Programming Languages
- Roland Kurmann - Personal website of a developer (German and English)
- wo_is神仙 - (Custom theme) Personal Blog Of A Front-End Developer.
- 唐巧的开发博客 - Personal Blog about iOS development.
- 武眉博 - Marble Wu's personal blog.
- Dmytrii Nagirniak - Programming related blog and a personal web site (Approach Excellence).
- - (customized theme) personal blog
- - (customized theme) Blog of RoutineTap application. About developing a SaaS product to track daily routines
- - deries - Fernando Ochera's personal blog, tiny how-tos.
- Adam Dymitruk - Development blog
- Hong Xu - Hong Xu's Personal Technology Blog
- Lars Bilke - Personal coding blog
- Uncluttah - A blog about simplifying web development
- /boot - (custom theme) Personal blog. The theme can be found at object-octopress-theme
- TJ VanToll - Front end web development blog.
- - About Linux, Perl, Ruby and more.
- Seraphyn Blog - About FreeBSD, Debian, Perl, Shell and more (German).
- Heartcode Blog - Flash and other Front-End development goodies.
- Torbjörn Klatt - Personal blog about semesters abroad, science and linux/KDE. (mostly German)
- Gathan Beaga - Yet another personal blog... painstakingly migrated over from Textpattern.
- Three of a Kind - family blog
- Tim Krüger - About (Mac, iOS, Java, Eclipse, SQL) development, simpleness, open source, ...
- The Insufferable Dan Avery - Personal Blog on local politics.
- Kevin Mees - (Customized Theme) Personal Dev Blog
- Daniel Kerwin - Personal blog
- koraktor's $stdout - Programming and other related stuff
- - iOS and Symfony development blog + personal blog (french)
- Erich Menge - Erich Menge's personal blog.
- Codigo Ergo Sum - Balint Erdi's tech blog
- Orokana Pekoponjin - df1's tech and cat blog (Taiwan)
- Commentary by Wes - Personal blog
- ywen - Personal Blog
- ZeroSharp - Developer blog
- Mauro Taraborelli - Personal Web Site
- Pronoy Chopra - Hardware/Software Developer blog
- [Sagar Behere] ( - Personal blog
- Epoch's Blog - Personal blog + some short fiction
- Lumenlog - (custom theme) blog about stuff
- Concrete5 Tips - Concrete5 CMS development blog
- Abstract2paradox - A personal Blog in coding and movies
- Fabio Pozzi - Just Another Personal Website: notes from my life
- Sam's World of No - Building great companies with technology and agile.
- 九原山区 - Personal Blog
- Justin Kelly - Personal blog
- - Octopress hosting service
- 張旭 - zx1986 Linux、Web Development 的筆記。
- doruby's blog - Personal blog
- Greg Franko - Personal Development blog
- Lincoln Mullen - Personal academic blog
- Tom Purl - Dorking around with Java and Linux and Ruby and stuff :-)
- This is Where I Tell You Stuff - Epic tales of Awesome Code.
- Cubox Blog - Company Blog (powered by planet.rb!)
- Darren Woodiwiss - Personal portfolio/blog site for student developer.
- Ghost Opera, Lori Holden - Software development, games, technology, and general mischief.
- Life on the 86 - [Custom theme] Personal blog about Ruby, Rails, Coffee, etc.
- Blog - Company blog - ElasticSearch as service.
- adam parnes dot com - A personal blog about technology, culture and what's on my mind.
- Hong Xu - Personal website and blog
- Arshad - Programming Ramblings.
- Binary Thoughts - Personal technology blog.
- Virendra Rajput - Code the WWW
- 電気羊の執務室(Office of Electric Sheep) - [custom theme] About scripts, tools & designs in Japanese.
- Gaurav Koley - Personal Blog
- d3j – Personal blog, mostly in German. Will feature more English posts in the future.
- Dear Coding Diary - Diary of a Coder
- Rubies in the cloud - Blog about and ruby development
- - A personal blog about software development and specifically mobile development
- Hot Chocolate - A personal blog on development mainly with Java/Coffeescript and Ruby.
- James Lutley (custom theme) - A front-end development blog (SASS/Compass/RWD) and personal portfolio.
- Thaiblogi - personal blog about Thailand in finnish
- bad.robot - Java and agile musings, personal blog
- Jeff Klukas - A personal site with a hacked version of the default theme using - - FontAwesome for icons.
- Scott Muc - software dev blog with an extremely minimal theme
- Devin Wadsworth - personal blog using the slash theme
- HFASE - Octospora! :D - HFase Diaspora* pod blog.
- Use Your Loaf - iOS development blog
- Sébastien Han - Personal website, Linux How-to
- - Personal Blog
- tempus-fugit - Open source Java library project page, theme based on alemelandri's
- 童童爸 - 爱技术爱老婆爱童童的童童爸爸的博客
- Manufacturing Big Data - System Insights corporate blog talking about manufacturing, big data, and technology
- I am maddy - Personal Blog
- Murali KG - Personal Blog
- Nico Kaiser - Personal Blog
- Roadfire Software - Articles about Design, Development, and the Business of Software.
- - Personal Blog (Russian)
- myhduck's - Personal Blog
- Joe Jordan - Personal Blog
- Shunz 顺子 - Personal Blog (Chinese)
- Dru Riley - Tutorials, Tips, and Troubleshooting
- Log4D - alswl's blog
- Simply David Nelson Software Engineering And Architecture
- leanagiletoolkit - Open Source training and implementation materials for agile practitioners.
- Behind the GUI - Personal Blog with some Tex, Emacs and development stuff (in progress)
- Archaeogeek - Open source computing and GIS plus a dash of personal blogging
- chico @ blog - Octopress with kramdown personal blog
- Dissociated Press - Personal Blog about open source, Linux, tech journalism, cloud computing, and random pop culture.
- made with tea - Tea and Programming, Personal Blog
- eSteve's Blog - Code, Tech, Personal Blog
- Henning Glatter-Gotz - Personal Bog about software development
- Techilm - Mustapha - Site/Blog of a Freelance iOS Developer, talking about programming and technology
- jerry2yu@blog - Personal blog about code and tech.
- William's Blog - William's personal blog about Linux
- Mark Szymanski -
- Lauyu’s teatable - Be Geeker.
- Angelo Stavrow - Code, Tech & Photography -- creator of the Bloctoquote for Octopress Firefox add-on.
- Itnig Engineering Blog - All the things we learn in our everyday work developing web applications.
- Worth Mentioning – Personal Blog (linux, kde, ruby)
- Wakatta! - Blog about Math, artificial intelligence and cool software examples of both.
- Carl's Dev Blog - Notes from a polyglot programmer (ruby).
- Live geek or die tryin' - A blog mainly about programming and web development.
- Martin Madsen - Personal tech blog with profile and portfolio
- Sachin Patil - Programming blog, mostly related to Java
- Yunus Durmus - Personal web page
- Valentin Bud - Personal technology blog.
- Scott Cheng - Personal Website
- Aris S Ripandi - Personal blog. Customized theme. About Linux, tech, computing, and programming
- — Physics, ecology, and computers (oh my!).
- - A personal blog.
- - Programming blog for Ruby and Rails.
- Au coin d'une table - Personnal blog about programming [fr].
- - Baschts personal blog. Monospaced. [de]
- here be dragons - Sajith Dilshan's personal blog.
- One plus One is a slightly bigger One! - Sadique Ali's blog on programming, football and other stuff.
- Unlogic : I've got a keyboard, a compiler, and a whole lot of luck - Personal blog on programming and related stuff
- - Personal photo blog [fi]
- 阿宝的Blog- Personal blog
- Vinh Nguyen - Blog/Home site
- Eric Guo's - in HTML5, JavaScript, Ruby & Rails, Python, and Cloud MES!
- James Brooks - Personal Blog, Web Development, Cocoa, etc
- Problem, Solving, and Failure - share trails of problem solving.
- Ambidextrous Thoughts - personal blog on sass, css, and visual design.
- - Online media, brand and reputation monitoring for busy professionals - Blog for the SASS media/brand/reputation webapp.
- - sub quality blogging blog from @optikfluffel
- Felix's sub-reality blog from @soupdiver
- Simply Patrick - Personal blog about software programming, in Traditional Chinese.
- - REST, PHP, agile and development team
- - Rico on building Software
- Log(frac) - A blog about globality, efficience, education and recreation
- Mine of Unglittery Gold - [Edward] about Programming, Linux, Linnya and everything.
- SuperCat's Home - about Debian, GTK+, Programming, and RhythmCat Music Development.
- Nilesh Govindrajan - A personal blog, to blog geeky stuff and rants.
- three99 - Blogging about programming and web development
- david m. johnson - Tech blog
- Gaël Gillard - A personal blog mostly on programming and music
- Shiny Sparkly - A personal blog (DocBookXML, writing, Ruby, iOS, OSX, Octopress hacking, and also ponies)
- Rake Routes - A Ruby and Rails programming blog by Stephen Ball
- The Laughingmaus - Nancy Carroll's personal blog. Mostly about books and writing with the occasional something else thrown in for good measure.
- Learning by example - A personal blog about programming stuff.
- Juan Antonio F. M. - A personal blog about sysadmin, programming and robotics
- Mark Dalgleish - Personal blog, JavaScript and front-end development.
- Lev Gorodinski - Personal blog about software development, mathematics and philosophy.
- HM's BLOG - Persona-Douban favorite show - Display douban favorite show on the awesome blog system Octopress.l blog,nothing there but my diary. And just play it.(chinese)
- Technokracy - Pointless since 2004.
- Andrew Shuttleworth - Personal blog about writing, typography, marketing, design, and other stuff. Custom theme built from scratch.
- zorbash - Web development blog
- Perseo's Blog - Octopress, GNU/Linux, Free Culture and Software blog (spanish).
- 小明明s à domicile - Personal blog about gentoo, lisp, ruby, python in Chinese.
- 雨吁 - Personal blog (Chinese).
- - the code, projects and art of Brandon Simmons
- Anh Do's Blog - Web development blog
- BobbyCox dot Net - Personal blog about God in my life, family and Tech.
- - Quality blog about programming and technology. News, tutorials and experiences about cool technologies.
- - Company Website. Key Features include:
- Blog with Author-wise and Category-wise filters
- Team Page with Lightboxes for details
- Tumblr Feed Integration
- - Personal website for Rafael Apocalypse. Based on BlogTheme by: rastersize
- - Notes of programmer(russian).
- - A CSS Framework extension for Compass.
- - A blog about designing websites, local brews & gadgets.
- Larry Price - Technical programming blog.
- Mufid - Personal programming and hacking stuff
- Goofansu - Personal blog about Erlang
- Masayuki Hatta a.k.a. mhatta - Personal blog from Japan
- CosmologyTaskForce - A site for Cosmology surveys and probes
- @zlu - Programming, maybe more
- Andrea Scarpino - Personal blog, hosted on Dropbox
- Breaking the 5thWall - Personal blog
- João Víctor Rocon Maia - Personal blog
- Gray Duck Labs - Business site and blog for Gray Duck Labs, a web/mobile product design consultancy
- mishadoff thoughts - Random thoughts about programming, mostly clojure
- roy dev blog - Personal blog, Blog about Programming
- Sebastian Dahlgren - Personal blog (programming, cloud computing etc)
- Jake Trent - Power Ballad Coding
- devops Derek - Personal blog about IT, Devops, Linux, and other things
- Blended Cocoa - Adventures in Objective-C and Cocoa
- AireadFan - Personal blog, love programing, creating and technology
- Kung Fu Coding - Personal blog about mastering the art of software development
- good uncle - Personal blog about how to be a good uncle (Chinese Language)
- Kirk Miller - A personal tech blog.
- Drawrect - A personal blog hosted on github.
- David Anguita: I solve problems - Personal blog, hosted on GitHub (Spanish)
- CiudadReal-rb - Local user group website and blog, hosted on GitHub (Spanish)
- - A personal blog. Hacks, Macs & Bullshit
- Ypnose - A blog about my tweaks and feelings
- We Build Envato - The Envato developer blog
- - The application security blog that gets the job done
- Embedthis - Embedded web technologies
- A Slack Wire - Litblog
- Ruby 迷 - Camel Song's blog
- Dorafmon's blog-Bob Fang's blog
- KevinEJohn - A personal blog about hardware and software projects
- Ray Hilton - Ray Hilton's blog about iOS and mobile product dev
- Philipp Hoffmann - Personal blog about software development stuff
- Matthias Beyer - Personal blog about software development, music, other stuff (German)
- dolphive - Personal blog about life, NGO, gadgets and more.
- 小过的布拉格 - xiaoguo's blog (Chinese)
- - still crazy after all these years
- Sergey Klimov - Personal blog about open-source & stuff
- Puttin - Puttin's blog (Chinese) about IT, life & stuff
- TYGRLabs - TYGRLabs official dev blog. Uses Foundation framework.
- Yrom's blog - Personal blog.
- Ramp me up, Scotty! - Self-Study Notes of a Nerd.
- Perry's blog - Personal blog.
- Tech Helper - A blog about technology and filled with tutorials for Linux.
- Vincent Toms - My Personal blog
- Atomic Playboy - A personal blog of low moral fiber.
- Austin Robertson - a dev blog
- Ulalume - Code & Poetry
- [] ( - Personal blog
- [] ( - Personal blog
- [] ( - Personal site and blog about development & random stuff
- [] ( - Audio technology blog covering hardware and software
- Colorful - Personal blog
- Andy Regan's Blog - Personal Blog
- Kevin Burnett's blog - Personal blog
- blog - flickrdownloadr is a windows client to download one's own photos from flickr
- TheAshwaniK Blog - Ashwani Kumar's Personal Blog
- Jaydson Gomes - Jaydson's Blog (Personal Blog about HTML5 && JavaScript)
- Technology & Me - Personal blog migrated from blogger
- Joel Jacobson - Personal Blog
- Mark Struzinski - Personal blog, mostly iOS dev
- Hosted CI Blog – Hosted continuous integration service for iOS and Mac apps
- Blendertrend - Personal site about markets and trends. See my post on how I use Amazon AWS/EC2 to generate my site.
- Codin - Odin Standal's ramblings on development.
- geekdave dot com - Musings on JavaScript, Backbone, and large-scale web app development.
- icocoa - Personal Blog
- ABlog - Personal Blog
- Ministry of Intrigue - Personal Blog
- baltdad - Personal blog, software etc.
- wongdev - Personal blog, code, Linux, software, etc.
- jadb - Personal blog
- Harlan Lewis - Product design blog and portfolio.
- Jim Gray - Personal blog on software, electronics, data, interaction design, and product development
- Luisangonzalez - Personal blog, code, linux, software & hardware, electronics, robots and above all Open Source.
- Bowen Huang - Personal blog, code, software, etc.
- Jonathan Ströbele (custom theme) - Web Developer portfolio and blog about web technologies (German/Deutsch)
- Machb.Io - Personal blog of MachBio.
- - Personal blog of Tom Webster
- - Tech, politics, music, and photography blog.
- - Personal site, (soon to be) covering the App Academy experience.
- - Ruby, C#, and all things test-driven.
- alexwlchan - Personal blog of Alex Chan.
- Roberto Aguilar - Un punto de encuentro para las ideas... un blog para desarrolladores
- Cinan's world - GNU/Linux & free software, howtos, web development, scripts and other geek stuff
- Alestanis' Blog - Personal blog from Alejandra Estanislao
- - Personal Website of Benjamin Guillet
- What Hath Von Neumann Wrought? - M. Edward (Ed) Borasky - @znmeb - Mostly about computational journalism and the R language
- [Dev] Node.js, Angular.js, CSS and other web related content in Hungarian language - Balazs Nadasdi (@yitsushi)
- Howtos (not dev content) in Hungarian language - Balazs Nadasdi (@yitsushi)
- Ricardo García Fernández - Personal blog (@ricardogarfe) - Migrating from Blogger (Work in progress).
- too many ideas - Lars Nordeide's blog about UX design, coding and stuff
- Haggai Philip Zagury - Haggai Philip Zagury's blog
- A rude assembly - My blog about philosophy, maths, and various forms of mild geekery.
- Girders - Constructing the internet. Devblog.
- ASUKA - Personal blog (Chinese).
- Julian Bonilla - Personal blog
- Jared Watkins - Personal blog using S3 and Cloudfront
- DesinLe - Official Site of Desinle
- Nurul Huda - Personal blog
- Probki.BY - Personal blog (Russian)
- David Holmlund - Personal blog (Swedish)
- Wil Huang - Personal Blog (Indonesian)
- Caok - Personal blog (Chinese).
- Fairejour Blog - Blog for curated e-commerce experience.
- nickleefly blog - Blog about nodejs, linux and Mad science
- Bergolf - Awesome blog about Mountains and the sea (videos & photos)
- Disklens News - News about Disklens, the Spotlight alternative.
- Startup Visions - Rambling experiences of a bi-coastal tech entrepreneur.
- Axiomatic Semantics - Physics, high performance computing, Linux, electronics, UAVs, hardware & software hacking, optimisation and science in general.
- Bayliss Labs - Product Blog and Website for Bayliss Labs(iPhone app developer)
- Mike Carroll - Tech, Linux
- Version2 - Web developer blog (Russian)
- The Ci Guy - Personal blog
- 天山飞猫 - Personal blog of 天山飞猫 ,Chinese
- Amin Bandali - Personal blog of @at__amin
- - Personal blog in Chinese.
- iAlja's blog - Personal blog about technology, education and women in tech; hosted on GitHub Pages, migrated from Blogger
- - Web development blog / personal site
- - Personal blog of Neil Kandalgaonkar, developer, idol to millions
- - Audio/programming blog and glorified resume
- TheLadders Engineering Stories - Stories from's engineers.
- Cloud's Blog - Personal blog of Yunfeizu(Chinese)
- Williamful - Blog on web development.
- letchap - Blog on Linux (french)
- - Rails development blog
- AYA - Eric Dejonckheere - French blog about nerd tools, web dev, osx, octopress, CLI, text editors, productivity, etc
- - Ken Chen's blog on Javascript and web development
- AppleSeed - personal blog about Mac OS X, iOS, productivity, web development and ... Emacs (Russian)
- - Official Blog (Bogotá, Colombia)
- Young Story - Young Story (Chinese,中文)
- - Personal blog
- - Personal blog
- - Personal blog about myself, Python and software development
- Blog of Vimalkumar Velayudhan (vkvn)
- 废纸君 - mouer's blog (Chinese)
- Chris Finazzo - Personal Blog
- Sebastian Gräßl - Personal Blog
- The Throbbing Brain - Joshua Gall's blog about being a pragmatic technologist and programmer
- Kacksoftware - The daily madness with software (german)
- - Personal blog, Linux/UNIX sysadmin miscellanea.
- Cäcilia Somborn - Choral society website (german)
- David Wales - Personal Blog
- Lucas Lew - Personal Blog
- System Interrupt Me! - Personal blog by a Mac User
- System Interrupt Net - Example site created using Octopress on OpenBSD
- Gareth Digby - Personal blog for teaching
- Pearls in Life - Technical reflections and records of thoughts
- Chop wood, carry water — Life™ v2.0 of Morten Liebach - The personal website of Morten Liebach
- Liebach's Triatlon Nørderier - A personal triathlon blog in Danish
- Schoentoon's blog - A personal blog mainly about programming
- Bill's Blog - A personal blog on PRML and Speech Processing, etc
- Physics Notes - My Trivial Physics Notes
- Nick Hammond - Personal blog
- App Store Rankings - Blog about App Store Optimization
- Rodolfo Ferreira - Personal blog on web development and cloud
- 禅思 - Coding life
- Brandon Pugh - Personal blog on development and technology
- WANG Yunbo - A passionate coder shares his thoughts on software design & engineering
- trai25 - Personal Blog (Chinese/中文)
- Sheelah Brennan - Personal blog focused on web development/design; customized theme
- Budi Ariyanto - Personal blog
- rcmdnk's blog - Personal blog (Japanese)
- Vinc - Personal website
- Code-Chimp - Personal blog about Apps, Ruby, Rails and Web Development
- Zac Gross - Personal blog about software development.
- Meta Dallin - Personal blog.
- Baptiste Fontaine’s Blog - Personal blog.
- Qing Wang - Tech blog in English.
- blacktulip - Personal blog in Chinese.
- - Elastica documentation (PHP client for elasticsearch)
- - Personal blog of Nicolas Ruflin
- - Personal blog about cycling and random stuffs. Hosted purely on Amazon S3
- M.S. Babaei - NuLL3rr0r's English Blog - Personal blog mostly about software development
- M.S. Babaei - NuLL3rr0r's Persian Blog - Personal blog mostly about software development in Persian
- - Ruby Nepal community website
- Quickloox - Apple-and-tech blog by Lucio Bragagnolo
- Laurence Man - Personal blog.
- Kit Ho - A geek from Hong Kong about software development and other interesting stuff
- CodeBeerStartups - A geek from India about Ruby on Rails, Backbonejs and other interesting stuff
- Crazy Economist's Blog - A personal blog of an economist who lives on coding.
- 牛言牛语 - Personal blog(GS).
- Ricardo F. Teixeira - A personal blog mostly focus on GNU/Linux, network security and other uninteresting stuff.
- /* No Comment */ - The personal blog of Adam Thompson.
- Code talks. - Chronicle of a programmer's obsessions.
- Marcus - Personal blog in Chinese.
- Game of Words - Multilanguage personal blog by Gregory Pasternak
- Tin Aung Linn - my personal blog focus on my mind
- Nick Desaulniers - The enemy's gate is down!
- BertoCQ - Personal website of Alberto Calderón
- Wern Ancheta - A personal blog focused on Web Development
- Sayz'ın Usu - Coding, Tech & Personal Blog from TURKEY!
- OneV's Den - A personal blog by a Unity3D, iOS, Mac developer 上善若水,人淡如菊 (Chinese)
- Diana Pham's BLOG - Personal blog about fumbling along learning techy stuff.
- Igor Polynets - Django/Python developer. However, blog is not about code. It is about personal experiences, opinions and thoughts of different stuff (Ukrainian/English).
- Sergey Makarenko Blog of Mac-geek. Writes about different apple products and life experiences.(Ukrainian)
- Donnie West A Personal blog about learning to Program
- Dennis Rongo A blog focused on web development and programming.
- pezy's blog A personal blog about life and programming.(Chinese)
- Aydın Sakar A blog for hackers by a dinosaur hacker.
- 残剑 - A personal blog about life and programming.(Chinese)
- Inferjay blog - A personal blog about Android, iOS and Lift.
- Aiur - A personal blog about rails, emacs, and other tools.
- Tyrant's Delusion - It's just my hobby... or delusion.
- My code - A blog on python programming.
- Michel P. Macedo - Personal blog
- Andrey Paramonov - A blog on programming.
- Things to think about - A personal blog about life and programming.
- [Rodrigo Araujo] ( - Personal blog about computer science in general
- Xorcode, LLC - PHP/Ruby/Perl/Python/Node.js consulting company.
- Andrew's Den - Anthro, tech, and infosec
- Liz Cheney - No, the other Liz Cheney
- Dru Riley - Javascript, Ruby, Node and Books
- Greg Kroah-Hartman - Linux Kernel development
- Lechindianer - Unix, programming and more
- Kelly Littlepage - Math, Data Science, CS, and Finance