This repository contains my solutions to various challenging programming questions that I have encountered through various sources.
- Open the Command Line or Terminal.
- Run the folowing commands to get a copy of this repository on your PC and navigate into it.
git clone
cd Algorithms-and-Data-Structures
- C Compiler (
) - Java Compiler (
) - C++ Compiler (
- Navigate to the folder of desired solution through the Terminal.
- For Java, run following commands:
java filename
- For C, run following commands:-
gcc filename.c
chmod +x a.out
- For C++, run following commands:-
g++ filename.cpp
chmod +x a.out
- Java 8 - Around 61% of the solutions are written in Java.
- C - Around 20% of solutions are written in C.
- C++ - Around 19% of solutions are written in C++.
- Brijendra Nag - Sole Author - brijendra98
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
Questions are sourced from the following websites:-
- HackerRank
- CodeChef
- LeetCode
- Tornada Incorporated's Test