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zq Tutorial

This tour provides new users of zq an overview of zq and the Zed language by walking through a number of examples on the command-line. This should get you started without having to read through all the gory details of the Zed language or zq command-line usage.

We'll start with some simple one-liners on the command line where we feed some data to zq with echo and specify - for zq input to indicate that standard input should be used, e.g.,

echo '"hello, world"' | zq -

Then, toward the end of the tour, we'll experiment with some real-world GitHub data pulled from the GitHub API.

If you want to follow along on the command line, just make sure the zq command is installed as well as jq.


While zq is based on a new type of data model called Zed, Zed just so happens to be a superset of JSON.

So if all you ever use zq for is manipulating JSON data, it can serve you well as a handy, go-to tool. In this way, zq is kind of like jq. As you probably know, jq is a popular command-line tool for taking a sequence of JSON values as input, doing interesting things on that input, and emitting results, of course, as JSON.

jq is awesome and powerful, but its syntax and computational model can sometimes be daunting and difficult. We tried to make zq really easy and intuitive, and it is usually faster, sometimes much faster, than jq.

To this end, if you want full JSON compatibility without having to delve into the details of Zed, just use the -j option with zq and this will tell zq to expect JSON values as input and produce JSON values as output, much like jq.

:::tip If your downstream JSON tooling expects only a single JSON value, we can use -j along with collect() to aggregate multiple input values into an array. A collect() example is shown later in this tutorial. :::

this vs .

For example, to add 1 to some numbers with jq, you say:

echo '1 2 3' | jq '.+1'

and you get


With zq, the mysterious jq value . is instead called the almost-as-mysterious value this and you say:

echo '1 2 3' | zq -z 'this+1' -

which also gives


Note that we are using the -z option with zq in all of the examples, which causes zq to format the output as ZSON. When running zq on the terminal, you do not need -z as it is the default, but we include it here for clarity and because all of these examples are run through automated testing, which is not attached to a terminal.

Search vs Transformation

Unlike jq, which leads with transformation, zq leads with search but transformation is also pretty easy. Let's show what we mean here with an example.

If we run this jq command,

echo '1 2 3' | jq 2

we get


Hmm, that's a little odd, but it did what we told it to do. In jq, the expression 2 is evaluated for each input value, and the value 2 is produced each time, so three copies of 2 are emitted.

In zq however, 2 by itself is interpreted as a search and is shorthand for search 2 so the command

echo '1 2 3' | zq -z 2 -

produces this "search result":


In fact, this search syntax generalizes, and if we search over a more complex input:

echo '1 2 [1,2,3] [4,5,6] {r:{x:1,y:2}} {r:{x:3,y:4}} "hello" "Number 2"' | zq -z 2 -

we naturally find all the 2's whether as a value, inside a value, or inside a string:

"Number 2"

You can also do keyword-text search, e.g.,

echo '1 2 [1,2,3] [4,5,6] {r:{x:1,y:2}} {r:{x:3,y:4}} "hello" "Number 2"' | zq -z 'hello or Number' -


"Number 2"

Doing searches like this in jq would be hard.

That said, we can emulate the jq transformation stance by explicitly indicating that we want to yield the result of the expression evaluated for each input value, e.g.,

echo '1 2 3' | zq -z 'yield 2' -

now gives the same answer as jq:


Cool, but doesn't it seem like search is a better disposition for shorthand syntax? What do you think?

On to ZSON

JSON is super easy and ubiquitous, but it can be limiting and frustrating when trying to do high-precision stuff with data.

When using zq, it's handy to operate in the domain of Zed data and only output to JSON when needed.

The human-readable format of Zed is called ZSON (and yes, that's a play on the acronym JSON).

ZSON is nice because it has a comprehensive type system and you can go from ZSON to an efficient binary row format (ZNG) and columnar (VNG) --- and vice versa --- with complete fidelity and no loss of information. In this tour, we'll stick to ZSON (though for large data sets, ZNG is much faster).

The first thing you'll notice about ZSON is that you don't need quotations around field names. We can see this by taking some JSON as input (the JSON format is auto-detected by zq) and formatting it as pretty-printed ZSON with -Z:

echo '{"s":"hello","val":1,"a":[1,2],"b":true}' | zq -Z -

which gives

    s: "hello",
    val: 1,
    a: [
    b: true

s, val, a, and b all appear as unquoted identifiers here. Of course if you have funny characters in a field name, ZSON can handle it with quotes just like JSON:

echo '{"funny@name":1}' | zq -z -



Moreover, ZSON is fully compatible with all of JSON's corner cases like empty string as a field name and empty object as a value, e.g.,

echo '{"":{}}' | zq -z -



Comprehensive Types

ZSON also has a comprehensive type system.

For example, here is ZSON "record" with a taste of different types of values as record fields:

    v1: 1.5,
    v2: 1,
    v3: 1 (uint8),
    v4: 2018-03-24T17:30:20.600852Z,
    v5: 2m30s,
    v8: [
    v9: |[
    v10: |{
        "key1": 123,
        "key2": 456
    v11: {
        a: 1,
        r: {
            s1: "hello",
            s2: "world"

Here, v1 is a 64-bit IEEE floating-point value just like JSON.

Unlike JSON, v2 is a 64-bit integer. And there are other integer types as with v3, which utilizes a ZSON type decorator, in this case, to clarify its specific type of integer as unsigned 8 bits.

v4 has type time and v5 type duration.

v6 is type ip and v7 type net.

v8 is an array of elements of type int64, which in Zed, is a type written as [int64].

v9 is a "set of strings", which is written like an array but with the enclosing syntax |[ and ]|.

v10 is a "map" type, which in other languages is often called a "table" or a "dictionary". In Zed, a value of any type can be used for the key or the value though all of the keys and all of the values must have the same type.

Finally, v11 is a Zed "record", which is similar to a JSON "object", but the keys are called "fields", the order of the fields is significant and is always preserved.


As is often the case with semi-structured systems, you deal with nested values all the time: in JSON, data is nested with objects and arrays, while in Zed, data is nested with "records" and arrays (as well as other complex types).

Record expressions are rather flexible with zq and look a bit like JavaScript or jq syntax, e.g.,

echo '1 2 3' | zq -z 'yield {kind:"counter",val:this}' -



Note that like the search shortcut, you can also drop the yield keyword here because the record literal implies the yield operator, e.g.,

echo '1 2 3' | zq -z '{kind:"counter",val:this}' -

also produces


zq can also use a spread operator like JavaScript, e.g.,

echo '{a:{s:"foo", val:1}}{b:{s:"bar"}}' | zq -z '{...a,s:"baz"}' -




echo '{a:{s:"foo", val:1}}{b:{s:"bar"}}' | zq -z '{d:2,...a,...b}' -



Record Mutation

Sometimes you just want to extract or mutate certain fields of records.

Similar to the Unix cut command, the Zed cut operator extracts fields, e.g.,

echo '{s:"foo", val:1}{s:"bar"}' | zq -z 'cut s' -



while the put operator mutates existing fields or adds new fields, e.g.,

echo '{s:"foo", val:1}{s:"bar"}' | zq -z 'put val:=123,pi:=3.14' -



Note that put is also an implied operator so the command with put omitted

echo '{s:"foo", val:1}{s:"bar"}' | zq -z 'val:=123,pi:=3.14' -

produces the very same output:


Finally, it's worth mentioning that errors in Zed are first class. This means they can just show up in the data as values. In particular, a common error is error("missing") which occurs most often when referencing a field that does not exist, e.g.,

echo '{s:"foo", val:1}{s:"bar"}' | zq -z 'cut val' -



Sometimes you expect missing errors to occur sporadically and just want to ignore them, which can you easily do with the quiet function, e.g.,

echo '{s:"foo", val:1}{s:"bar"}' | zq -z 'cut quiet(val)' -



Union Types

One of the tricks zq uses to represent JSON data in its structured type system is union types. Most of the time, you don't need to worry about unions but they show up from time to time. Even when they show up, Zed just tries to "do the right thing" so you usually don't have to worry about them even when they show up.

For example, this query is perfectly happy to operate on the union values that are implied by a mixed-type array:

echo '[1, "foo", 2, "bar"]' | zq -z 'yield this[2],this[1]' -



but under the covers, the elements of the array have a union type of int64 and string, which is written (int64,string), e.g,.

echo '[1, "foo", 2, "bar"]' | zq -z 'yield typeof(this)' -



which is a type value representing an array of union values.

As you learn more about Zed and want to use zq to do data discovery and preparation, union types are really quite powerful. They allow records with fields of different types or mixed-type arrays to be easily expressed while also having a very precise type definition. This is the essence of Zed's new super-structured data model.

First-class Types

Note that in the type value above, the type is wrapped in angle brackets. This is how ZSON represents types when expressed as values. In other words, Zed has first-class types.

The type of any value in zq can be accessed via the typeof function, e.g.,

echo '1 "foo"' | zq -z 'yield typeof(this)' -



What's the big deal here? We can print out the type of something. Yawn.

Au contraire, this is really quite powerful because we can use types as values to functions, e.g., as a dynamic argument to the cast function:

echo '{a:0,b:"2"}{a:0,b:"3"}' | zq -z 'yield cast(b, typeof(a))' -



But more powerfully, types can be used anywhere a value can be used and in particular, they can be group-by keys, e.g.,

echo '{x:1,y:2}{s:"foo"}{x:3,y:4}' | zq -f table "count() by shape:=typeof(this) | sort count" -


shape               count
<{s:string}>        1
<{x:int64,y:int64}> 2

When run over large data sets, this gives you an insightful count of each "shape" of data in the input. This is a powerful building block for data discovery.

It's worth mentioning jq also has a type operator, but it produces a simple string instead of first-class types, and arrays and objects have no detail about their structure, e,g.,

echo '1 true [1,2,3] {"s":"foo"}' | jq type



Moreover, if we compare types of different objects

echo '{"a":{"s":"foo"},"b":{"x":1,"y":2}}' | jq '(.a|type)==(.b|type)'

we get "object" here for each type and thus the result:


i.e., they match even though their underlying shape is different.

With zq of course, these are different super-structured types so the result is false, e.g.,

echo '{"a":{"s":"foo"},"b":{"x":1,"y":2}}' | zq -z 'yield typeof(a)==typeof(b)' -




Sometimes you'd like to see a sample value of each shape, not its type. This is easy to do with the any aggregate function, e.g,

echo '{x:1,y:2}{s:"foo"}{x:3,y:4}' | zq -z 'val:=any(this) by typeof(this) | sort val | yield val' -



We like this pattern so much there is a shortcut sample operator, e.g.,

echo '{x:1,y:2}{s:"foo"}{x:3,y:4}' | zq -z 'sample this | sort this' -

emits the same result:



Sometimes JSON data can get really messy with lots of variations in fields, with null values appearing sometimes and sometimes not, and with the same fields having different data types. Most annoyingly, when you see a JSON object like this in isolation:


you have no idea what the expected data type of b will be. Maybe it's another number? Or maybe a string? Or maybe an array or an embedded object?

zq and ZSON don't have this problem because every value (even null) is comprehensively typed. However, zq in fact must deal with this thorny problem when reading JSON and converting it to Zed's super-structure.

This is where you might have to spend a little bit of time coding up the right zq logic to disentangle a JSON mess. But once the data is cleaned up, you can leave it in a Zed format and not worry again.

To do so, the fuse operator comes in handy. Let's say you have this sequence of data:


As we said, you can't tell by looking at either value what the types of both a and b should be. But if you merge the values into a common type, things begin to make sense, e.g.,

echo '{a:1,b:null}{a:null,b:[2,3,4]}' | zq -z fuse -

produces this transformed and comprehensively-typed ZSON output:


Now you can see all the detail.

This turns out to be so useful, especially with large amounts of messy input data, you will often find yourself fusing data then sampling it, e.g.,

echo '{a:1,b:null}{a:null,b:[2,3,4]}' | zq -Z 'fuse | sample' -

produces a comprehensively-typed sample:

    a: 1,
    b: null ([int64])

As you explore data in this fashion, you will often type various searches to slice and dice the data as you get a feel for it all while sending your interactive search results to fuse | sample.

To appreciate all this, let's have a look next at some real-world data...

Real-world GitHub Data

Now that we've covered the basics of zq and the Zed language, let's use the query patterns from above to explore some GitHub data.

First, we need to grab the data. You can use curl for this or you can just use zq as zq can take URLs in addition to file name arguments. This command will grab descriptions of first 30 PRs created in the public zed repository and place it in a file called prs.json:

zq -f json\?state\=all\&sort\=desc\&per_page=30 > prs.json

Now that you have this JSON file on your local file system, how would you query it with zq?

Data Discovery

Before you can do anything, you need to know its structure but you generally don't know anything after pulling some random data from an API.

So, let's poke around a bit and figure it out. This process of data introspection is often called data discovery.

You could start by using jq to pretty-print the JSON data,

jq . prs.json

That's 10,592 lines. Ugh, quite a challenge to sift through.

Instead, let's start out by figuring out how many values are in the input, e.g.,

zq -f text 'count()' prs.json



Hmm, there's just one value. It's probably a big JSON array but let's check with the kind function, and as expected:

zq -z 'kind(this)' prs.json



Ok got it. But, how many items are in the array?

zq -z 'len(this)' prs.json



Of course! We asked GitHub to return 30 items and the API returns the pull-request objects as elements of one array representing a single JSON value.

Let's see what sorts of things are in this array. Here, we need to enumerate the items from the array and do something with them. So how about we use the over operator to traverse the array and count the array items by their "kind",

zq -z 'over this | count() by kind(this)' prs.json



Ok, they're all records. Good, this should be easy!

The Zed records were all originally JSON objects. Maybe we can just use "sample" to have a deeper look...

zq -Z 'over this | sample' prs.json

Here we are using -Z, which is like -z, but instead of formatting each ZSON value on its own line, it pretty-prints the ZSON with vertical formatting like jq does for JSON.

Ugh, that output is still pretty big. It's not 10k lines but it's still more than 700 lines of pretty-printed ZSON.

Ok, maybe it's not so bad. Let's check how many shapes there are with sample...

zq -z 'over this | sample | count()' prs.json



All that data across the samples and only three shapes. They must each be really big. Let's check that out.

We can use the len function on the records to see the size of each of the four records:

zq -z 'over this | sample | len(this) | sort this' prs.json

and we get


Ok, this isn't so bad... two shapes each have 36 fields but one is length zero?! That outlier could only be the empty record. Let's check:

zq -z 'over this | sample | len(this)==0' prs.json



Sure enough, there it is. We could also double check with jq that there are blank records in the GitHub results, and sure enough

jq '.[] | select(length==0)' prs.json



Try opening your editor on that JSON file to look for the empty objects. Who knows why they are there? No fun. Real-world data is messy.

How about we fuse the 3 shapes together and have a look at the result:

zq -Z 'over this | fuse | sample' prs.json

We won't display the result here as it's still pretty big. But you can give it a try. It's 379 lines.

But let's break down what's taking up all this space.

We can take the output from fuse | sample and list the fields with and their "kind". Note that when we do an over this with records as input, we get a new record value for each field structured as a key/value pair:

zq -f table 'over this | fuse | sample | over this | {field:key[0],kind:kind(value)}' prs.json


field               kind
url                 primitive
id                  primitive
node_id             primitive
html_url            primitive
diff_url            primitive
patch_url           primitive
issue_url           primitive
number              primitive
state               primitive
locked              primitive
title               primitive
user                record
body                primitive
created_at          primitive
updated_at          primitive
closed_at           primitive
merged_at           primitive
merge_commit_sha    primitive
assignee            primitive
assignees           array
requested_reviewers array
requested_teams     array
labels              array
milestone           primitive
draft               primitive
commits_url         primitive
review_comments_url primitive
review_comment_url  primitive
comments_url        primitive
statuses_url        primitive
head                record
base                record
_links              record
author_association  primitive
auto_merge          primitive
active_lock_reason  primitive

With this list of top-level fields, we can easily explore the different pieces of their structure with sample. Let's have a look at a few of the record fields by giving these one-liners each a try and looking at the output:

zq -Z 'over this | sample head' prs.json
zq -Z 'over this | sample base' prs.json
zq -Z 'over this | sample _links' prs.json

While these fields have some useful information, we'll decide to drop them here and focus on other top-level fields. To do this, we can use the drop operator to whittle down the data:

zq -Z 'over this | fuse | drop head,base,_link | sample' prs.json

Ok, this looks more reasonable and is now only 120 lines of pretty-printed ZSON.

One more annoying detail here about JSON: time values are stored as strings, in this case, in ISO format, e.g., we can pull this value out with this query:

zq -z 'over this | head 1 | yield created_at' prs.json

which produces this string:


Since Zed has a native time type and we might want to do native date comparisons on these time fields, we can easily translate the string to a time with a cast, e.g.,

zq -z 'over this | head 1 | yield time(created_at)' prs.json

produces the native time value:


To be sure, you can check any value's type with the typeof function, e.g.,

zq -z 'over this | head 1 | yield time(created_at) | typeof(this)' prs.json

produces the native time value:


Cleaning up the Messy JSON

Okay, now that we've explored the data, we have a sense of it and can "clean it up" with some Zed logic. We'll do this one step at a time, then put it all together.

First, let's get rid of the outer array and generate elements of an array as a sequence of Zed records that have been fused and let's filter out the empty records:

zq 'over this | len(this) != 0 | fuse' prs.json > prs1.zng

We can check that worked with count:

zq -z 'count()' prs1.zng
zq -z 'sample | count()' prs1.zng



Okay, good. There are 28 values (the 30 requested less the two empty records) and exactly one shape since the data was fused.

Now, let's drop the fields we aren't interested in:

zq 'drop head,base,_links' prs1.zng > prs2.zng

Finally, let's clean up those dates. To track down all the candidates, we can run this Zed to group field names by their type and limit the output to primitive types:

zq -z 'over this | kind(value)=="primitive" | fields:=union(key[0]) by type:=typeof(value)' prs2.zng

which gives


Note that this use of over traverses each record and generates a key-value pair for each field in each record.

Looking through the fields that are strings, the candidates for ISO dates appear to be

  • closed_at,
  • merged_at,
  • created_at, and
  • updated_at. You can do a quick check of the theory by running...
zq -z '{closed_at,merged_at,created_at,updated_at}' prs2.zng

and you will get strings that are all ISO dates:


To fix those strings, we simply transform the fields in place using the (implied) put operator and redirect the final output the ZNG file prs.zng:

zq 'closed_at:=time(closed_at),merged_at:=time(merged_at),created_at:=time(created_at),updated_at:=time(updated_at)' prs2.zng > prs.zng

We can check the result with our type analysis:

zq -z 'over this | kind(value)=="primitive" | fields:=union(key[0]) by type:=typeof(value) | sort type' prs.zng

which now gives:


and we can see that the date fields are correctly typed as type time!

Note that we sorted the output values here using the sort operator to produce a consistent output order since aggregations can be run in parallel to achieve scale and do not guarantee their output order.

Putting It All Together

Instead of running each step above into a temporary file, we can put all the transformations together in a single Zed pipeline, where the Zed source text might look like this:

over this                      // traverse the array of objects
| len(this) != 0               // skip empty objects
| fuse                         // fuse objects into records of a combined type
| drop head,base,_links        // drop fields that we don't need
| closed_at:=time(closed_at),  // transform string dates to type time

Note that the // syntax indicates a single-line comment.

We can then put this in a file, called say transform.zed, and use the -I argument to run all the transformations in one fell swoop:

zq -I transform.zed prs.json > prs.zng

Running Analytics

Now that we've cleaned up our data, we can reliably and easily run analytics on the finalized ZNG file prs.zng.

Zed gives us the best of both worlds of JSON and relational tables: we have the structure and clarity of the relational model while retaining the flexibility of JSON's document model. No need to create tables then issue SQL insert commands to put your clean data into all the right places.

Let's start with something simple. How about we output a "PR Report" listing the title of each PR along with its PR number and creation date:

zq -f table '{DATE:created_at,NUMBER:"PR #${number}",TITLE:title}' prs.zng

and you'll see this output...

DATE                 NUMBER TITLE
2019-11-11T19:50:46Z PR #1  Make "make" work in zq
2019-11-11T20:57:12Z PR #2  fix install target
2019-11-11T23:24:00Z PR #3  import
2019-11-12T16:25:46Z PR #5  Make zq -f work
2019-11-12T16:49:07Z PR #6  a few clarifications to the zson spec

Note that we used string interpolation to convert the field number into a string and format it with surrounding text.

Instead of old PRs, we can get the latest list of PRs using the tail operator since we know the data is sorted chronologically. This command retrieves the last five PRs in the dataset:

zq -f table 'tail 5 | {DATE:created_at,"NUMBER":"PR #${number}",TITLE:title}' prs.zng

and the output is:

DATE                 NUMBER TITLE
2019-11-18T22:14:08Z PR #26 ndjson writer
2019-11-18T22:43:07Z PR #27 Add reader for ndjson input
2019-11-19T00:11:46Z PR #28 fix TS_ISO8601, TS_MILLIS handling in NewRawAndTsFromJSON
2019-11-19T21:14:46Z PR #29 Return count of "dropped" fields from zson.NewRawAndTsFromJSON
2019-11-20T00:36:30Z PR #30 zval.sizeBytes incorrect

How about some aggregations? We can count the number of PRs and sort by the count highest first:

zq -z "count() by user:=user.login | sort -r count" prs.zng



How about getting a list of all of the reviewers? To do this, we need to traverse the records in the requested_reviewers array and collect up the login field from each record:

zq -z 'over requested_reviewers | collect(login)' prs.zng

Oops, this gives us an array of the reviewer logins with repetitions since collect collects each item that it encounters into an array:


What we'd prefer is a set of reviewers where each reviewer appears only once. This is easily done with the union aggregate function (not to be confused with union types) which computes the set-wise union of its input and produces a Zed set type as its output. In this case, the output is a set of strings, written |[string]| in the Zed language. For example:

zq -z 'over requested_reviewers | reviewers:=union(login)' prs.zng



Ok, that's pretty neat.

Let's close with an analysis that's a bit more sophisticated. Suppose we want to look at the reviewers that each user tends to ask for. We can think about this question as a "graph problem" where the user requesting reviews is one node in the graph and each set of reviewers is another node.

So as a first step, let's figure out how to create each edge, where an edge is a relation between the requesting user and the set of reviewers. We can create this in Zed with a "lateral subquery". Instead of computing a set-union over all the reviewers across all PRs, we instead want to compute the set-union over the reviewers in each PR. We can do this as follows:

zq -z 'over requested_reviewers => ( reviewers:=union(login) )' prs.zng

which produces an output like this:


Note that the syntax => ( ... ) defines a lateral scope where any Zed subquery can run in isolation over the input values created from the sequence of values traversed by the outer over.

But we need a "graph edge" between the requesting user and the reviewers. To do this, we need to reference the user.login from the top-level scope within the lateral scope. This can be done by bringing that value into the scope using a with clause appended to the over expression and yielding a record literal with the desired value:

zq -z 'over requested_reviewers with user=user.login => ( reviewers:=union(login) | {user,reviewers}) | sort user,len(reviewers)' prs.zng

which gives us


The final step is to simply aggregate the "reviewer sets" with the user field as the group-by key:

zq -Z 'over requested_reviewers with user=user.login => ( reviewers:=union(login) | {user,reviewers} ) | groups:=union(reviewers) by user | sort user,len(groups)' prs.zng

and we get

    user: "aswan",
    groups: |[
    user: "henridf",
    groups: |[
    user: "mattnibs",
    groups: |[
    user: "mccanne",
    groups: |[
    user: "nwt",
    groups: |[

After a quick glance here, you can tell that mccanne looks for very targeted reviews while mattnibs casts a wide net, at least for the PRs from the beginning of the zed repo.

To quantify this concept, we can easily modify this query to compute the average number of reviewers requested instead of the set of groups of reviewers. To do this, we just average the reviewer set size with an aggregation:

zq -z 'over requested_reviewers with user=user.login => ( reviewers:=union(login) | {user,reviewers} ) | avg_reviewers:=avg(len(reviewers)) by user | sort avg_reviewers' prs.zng

which produces


Of course, if you'd like the query output in JSON, you can just say -f json and zq will happily format the Zed sets as JSON arrays, e.g.,

zq -f json 'over requested_reviewers with user=user.login => ( reviewers:=union(login) | {user,reviewers} ) | groups:=union(reviewers) by user | sort user,len(groups)' prs.zng



Key Takeaways

So to summarize, we gave you a tour here of zq and how the Zed data model provide a powerful way do search, transformation, and analytics in a structured-like way on data that begins its life as semi-structured JSON and is transformed into the powerful super-structured format without having to create relational tables and schemas.

As you can see, zq is a general-purpose tool that you can add to your bag of tricks to:

  • explore messy and confusing JSON data using shaping and sampling,
  • transform JSON data in ad hoc ways, and
  • develop transform logic for hitting APIs like the GitHub API to produce clean data for analysis by zq or even export into other systems or for testing.

If you'd like to learn more, feel free to read through the language docs in depth or see how you can organize Zed data into a lake using a git-like commit model.